The purpose behind ShwackCloud is to implement the SoundCloud API and widget in a progressive web application, built with a mobile first design but also responsive for use in the browser. This project is intended for a group of friends and myself to share music playlists, in a more intimate setting, without all the noise of the regular SoundCloud website.
- Ability to make your own account, at which point you add the URL to the playlist you want to share with other users on the site.
- Ability to change your profile as well as the associated playlist.
- Able to view others playlists and see any and all updates on each visit.
- Front End: React, NextJS
- Back End: Express, PostgreSQL
- Component Libraries: Grommet, Framer Motion (Animation)
- CSS Preprocessor: Sass
- Deployment: NextJS client and Express server are both containerized with docker, routing is handled by Nginx (also containerized) and all are deployed to AWS Elastic Beanstalk with CircleCI for continuous deployment and integration.
Make sure the docker daemon is running and then run the following command:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up
Visit localhost:3000