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Mike Perham edited this page Jun 23, 2018 · 1 revision

In Inspeqtor you send alerts via a "channel", e.g. send alerts via <channel>.


Configure Inspeqtor to send some or all alerts to your org's Slack chat room:

  1. Create a new Incoming Webhook integration on your Integrations page: https://$ Note the URL for the created integration.
  2. Add an entry to your /etc/inspeqtor/inspeqtor.conf for the integration:
send alerts to slack_room
  via slack with url $URL, icon_emoji ghost

and then make it the owner or send specific alerts to it:

check service memcached with owner slack_room
  if memory:rss > 100m then alert, restart

Or even make all alerts go to Slack by default:

send alerts
  via slack with url $URL, icon_emoji ghost


Configure Inspeqtor to send some or all alerts to your org's Campfire chat room:

  1. Note your team name and Room ID in your campfire URL: https://$$ROOMID.
  2. Go to the "My Info" page for the Campfire user you want Inspeqtor to use to speak in the room and note that user's API authentication token.
  3. Add an entry to your /etc/inspeqtor/inspeqtor.conf for the integration:
send alerts to campfire_room
  via campfire with team $TEAMNAME, room $ROOMID, token $TOKEN

and then give it ownership or send specific alerts to it:

check service memcached with owner ops_campfire
  if memory:rss > 100m then alert ops_campfire, restart

Or even make all alerts go to Campfire by default:

send alerts
  via campfire with team $TEAMNAME, room $ROOMID, token $TOKEN


Configure Inspeqtor to send some or all alerts to your org's HipChat chat room:

  1. Note your Room ID by going to your Room's Chat History and look at the URL:$ROOMID.
  2. Create a Notification token for Inspeqtor using the v1 API page Note the token.
  3. Add an entry to your /etc/inspeqtor/inspeqtor.conf for the integration:
send alerts to ops_room
  via hipchat with room $ROOMID, token $TOKEN

and then give it ownership or send specific alerts to it:

check service memcached with owner ops_room
  if memory:rss > 100m then alert ops_room, restart

Or even make all alerts go to HipChat by default:

send alerts
  via hipchat with room $ROOMID, token $TOKEN


Configure Inspeqtor to send some or all alerts to your org's Flowdock chat room:

  1. Find the Flow API token for your Flow by going to Settings > Inbox Settings. Note the token.
  2. Add an entry to your /etc/inspeqtor/inspeqtor.conf for the integration:
send alerts to ops_flow
  via flowdock with token $TOKEN

and then give it ownership or send specific alerts to it:

check service memcached with owner ops_flow
  if memory:rss > 100m then alert ops_flow, restart

Or even make all alerts go to Flowdock by default:

send alerts
  via flowdock with token $TOKEN

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