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BMO is Mozilla's highly customized version of Bugzilla. Documentation Status

If you want to contribute to BMO, you can fork this repo and get a local copy of BMO running in a few minutes using Docker.

This repository contains a docker-compose file that will create a local Bugzilla for testing.

To use docker compose, ensure you have the latest Docker install for your environment (Linux, Windows, or Mac OS). If you are using Ubuntu, then you can read the next section to ensure that you have the correct docker setup.

docker compose up --build

This command will bring up the main webserver process, database, memcached, and various other background tasks such as the Push system and the Feed system. The latter two are used for workflow management between and other external systems.

For normal development, you can run just the main webserver, database, and memcached by running the following command instead:

docker compose up --build bmo.test

After that, you should be able to visit http://localhost:8000/ from your browser. You can login as [email protected] with the password "password012!" (without quotes).

If you want to update the code running in the web container, you do not need to restart everything. You can run the following command:

docker compose exec bmo.test rsync -avz --exclude .git --exclude local /mnt/sync/ /app/

The Mojolicious morbo development server, used by the web container, will notice any code changes and restart itself.

If you are using Visual Studio Code, these docker compose commands will come in handy as the editor's tasks that can be found under the Terminal menu. The update command is assigned to the default build task so it can be executed by simply hitting Ctrl+Shift+B on Windows/Linux or Command+Shift+B on macOS. An extension bundle for VS Code is also available.

On Ubuntu, Docker can be installed using apt-get. After installing, you need to do run these commands to ensure that it has installed fine:

sudo groupadd docker # add a new group called "docker"
sudo gpasswd -a <your username> docker # add yourself to "docker" group

Log in & log out of your system, so that changes in the above commands will & do this:

sudo service docker restart
docker run hello-world

If the output of last command looks like this. then congrats you have installed docker successfully:

Hello from Docker!
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.

This repository is also a runnable docker container.

Currently, the entry point takes a single command argument. This can be httpd or shell.

This will start apache listening for connections on $PORT
This will start an interactive shell in the container. Useful for debugging.
This must be a value >= 1024. The httpd will listen on this port for incoming plain-text HTTP connections. Default: 8000
This tells the backend that it is behind a proxy. Default: 1
How often (in seconds) will the manager process send a heartbeat to the workers. Default: 10
Maximum amount of time in seconds before a worker without a heartbeat will be stopped gracefully Default: 120
Maximum amount of time in seconds a connection can be inactive before getting closed. Default: 120
Number of worker processes. A good rule of thumb is two worker processes per CPU core for applications that perform mostly non-blocking operations, blocking operations often require more and benefit from decreasing concurrency with "MOJO_CLIENTS" (often as low as 1). Note that during zero downtime software upgrades there will be twice as many workers active for a short amount of time. Default: 1
Temporarily spawn up to this number of additional workers if there is a need. This allows for new workers to be started while old ones are still shutting down gracefully, drastically reducing the performance cost of worker restarts. Default: 1
Maximum number of accepted connections each worker process is allowed to handle concurrently, before stopping to accept new incoming connections. Note that high concurrency works best with applications that perform mostly non-blocking operations, to optimize for blocking operations you can decrease this value and increase "MOJO_WORKERS" instead for better performance. Default: 200
This should never be set in production. It allows oauth over http.
The public URL for this instance. Note that if this begins with https:// and BMO_inbound_proxies is set to '*' Bugzilla will believe the connection to it is using SSL.
The public URL for the production instance, if different from urlbase above.

This is the URL for attachments. When the allow_attachment_display parameter is on, it is possible for a malicious attachment to steal your cookies or perform an attack on Bugzilla using your credentials.

If you would like additional security on attachments to avoid this, set this parameter to an alternate URL for your Bugzilla that is not the same as urlbase or sslbase. That is, a different domain name that resolves to this exact same Bugzilla installation.

For added security, you can insert %bugid% into the URL, which will be replaced with the ID of the current bug that the attachment is on, when you access an attachment. This will limit attachments to accessing only other attachments on the same bug. Remember, though, that all those possible domain names (such as must point to this same Bugzilla instance.

What SQL database to use. Default is mysql. List of supported databases can be obtained by listing Bugzilla/DB directory - every module corresponds to one supported database and the name of the module (before ".pm") corresponds to a valid value for this variable.
The DNS name or IP address of the host that the database server runs on.
The name of the database.
The database user to connect as.
The password for the user above.
This secret key is used by your installation for the creation and validation of encrypted tokens. These tokens are used to implement security features in Bugzilla, to protect against certain types of attacks. It's very important that this key is kept secret.
This secret key is used by your installation for the creation and validation of jwts. It's very important that this key is kept secret and it should be different from the side_wide_secret. Changing this will invalidate all issued jwts, so all oauth clients will need to start over. As such it should be a high level of entropy, as it probably won't change for a very long time.
This is a list of IP addresses that we expect proxies to come from. This can be '*' if only the load balancer can connect to this container. Setting this to '*' means that BMO will trust the X-Forwarded-For header.
The global namespace for the memcached servers.
A list of memcached servers (IP addresses or host names). Can be empty.
The database name of the read-only database.
The hotname or IP address of the read-only database.
The port of the read-only database.
This is a JSON object and can set any limit described in Typically it used for setting RLIMIT_AS, and the default value is { "RLIMIT_AS": 2000000000 }.
This is the max amount of unshared memory the worker processes are allowed to use before they will exit. Minimum 750000 (750MiB)
Usually configured on the MTA section of admin interface, but may be set here for testing purposes. Valid values are None, Test, Sendmail, or SMTP. If set to Test, email will be appended to the /app/data/mailer.testfile.
Usually configured on the MTA section of the admin interface, you may change this here for testing purposes. Should be 1 or 0. If 1, the job queue will be used. For testing, only set to 0 if the BMO_mail_delivery_method is None or Test.
Write Devel::NYTProf profiles out for each requests. These will be named /app/data/nytprof.$host.$script.$n.$pid, where $host is the hostname of the container, script is the name of the script (without extension), $n is a number starting from 1 and incrementing for each request to the worker process, and $pid is the worker process id.
Alternative location to store profiles from the above option.
Filename of Log::Log4perl config file. It defaults to log4perl-syslog.conf. If the file is given as a relative path, it will relative to the /app/conf/ directory.

Boolean. By default log messages are logged as plain text to STDERR. Setting this to a true value disables this behavior.

Note: For programs that run using the cereal log aggregator, this environment variable will be ignored.

How Bugzilla logs is entirely configured by the environmental variable LOG4PERL_CONFIG_FILE. This config file should be familiar to someone familiar with log4j, and it is extensively documented in Log::Log4perl.

Many examples are provided in the logs/ directory.

If multiple processes will need to log, it should be configured to log to a socket on port 5880. This will be the "cereal" daemon, which will only be started for jobqueue and httpd-type containers.

The example log config files will often be configured to log to stderr themselves. To prevent duplicate lines (or corrupted log messages), stderr logging should be filtered on the existence of the LOG4PERL_STDERR_DISABLE environmental variable.

Logging configuration also controls which errors are sent to Sentry.

Bugzilla comes with several integrated test suites that do basic sanity checks to more involved web UI testing. To execute the tests, run the following commands:

Basic sanity tests

docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yml down && docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yml run -e CI=1 --no-deps bmo.test test_sanity

Webservices API tests

docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yml down && docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yml run bmo.test test_webservices

Selenium Web UI tests

docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yml down && docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yml run bmo.test test_selenium

Configure your MTA setting you want to use by going to http://localhost:8000/editparams.cgi?section=mta and changing the mail_delivery_method to 'Test'. With this option, all mail will be appended to a data/mailer.testfile. To see the emails being sent:

docker compose run bmo.test cat /app/data/mailer.testfile

This Docker environment is a very scaled-down version of production BMO. It uses roughly the same Perl dependencies as production. It is also configured to use memcached. The push connector is running but is not currently configured, nor is the Phabricator feed daemon.

It includes a couple example products, some fake users, and some of BMO's real groups. Email is disabled for all users; however, it is safe to enable email as the box is configured to send all email to the 'admin' user on the web vm.

docker build -t bmo-cpanfile -f Dockerfile.cpanfile .
docker run -it -v "$(pwd):/app/result" bmo-cpanfile cp cpanfile cpanfile.snapshot /app/result

The mozillabteam/bmo-perl-slim image is stored in the Mozilla B-Team Docker Hub repository. It contains just the Perl dependencies in /app/local and other Debian packages needed. Whenever the cpanfile and cpanfile.snapshot files have been changed by the above steps after a succcessful merge, a new mozillabteam/bmo-perl-slim image will need to be built and pushed to Docker Hub.

A Docker Hub organization administrator with the correct permissions will normally do the docker login and docker push.

The <DATE> value should be the current date in YYYYMMDD.X format with X being the current iteration value. For example, 20191209.1.

docker build -t mozillabteam/bmo-perl-slim:<DATE> -f Dockerfile.bmo-slim .
docker login
docker push mozillabteam/bmo-perl-slim:<DATE>

After pushing to Docker Hub, you will need to update Dockerfile to include the new built image with correct date. Create a PR, review and commit the new change.

You can chat with the BMO team on Matrix.