Start a Slack chat with the necessary reporters, editors, and producers
Decide who's in charge of keeping this item updated on the slider doc
Create a Google doc in the shared MoJo Drive folder, under the relevant beat. Share the doc URL in the Slack chat.
If full-width, confirm sign-off from Business folks
Coordinate with fact-check and copyedit
Talk to story editor about intro copy—who's writing it?
Talk to story editor about master, relateds, and tags—who's responsible?
Talk to story editor about byline and any additional credits—who needs to be included?
Talk to story editor about headline chat for both regular and social heds/decks, for each package item—who's running it?
Cross-link between interactive and mainbar as needed
Keep Sam and Public Affairs in the loop for any updates on story publication
Give Public Affairs all URLs for promo
Talk to story editor about tweet memo—who's writing it?