Master project about recommender systems.
Reading recommender's specifications from config/recommender.json, we run our recommender is made through the script, using the command:
make run
Reading experiment's specifications from config/runs.json, we run a full experiment is made through the script, using the command:
make experiment
The running options are available using the command
python3 -h
Running the script, will run the tests in tests.tests:
make test
Running the script, with arguments that contain the modules of the unittests, will run the tests in all the provided modules.
python test1 test2 test3 # ...
We are mainly using citeulike datasets, we assume that the data files are in the directory data/, and the database configuration from config/config.json
To build the database, we run the command:
make rebuild-database
We execute this statement in MySQL console before importing the data:
set autocommit = 0;
To generate the documentation we can use the command:
make docs
We are following flake8 code conventions, we can verify it using the command:
make lint-flake8
Authored by:
- Mostafa M. Mohamed <[email protected]>
- Omar Nada <[email protected]>
- Ibrahim Alshibani <[email protected]>
- pep8
- python-coverage
- mysql-client
- mysql-server
- mysql-python
- json
- sklearn
- numpy
- sphinx
- scipy
- overrides
- tensorflow
- keras
- pandas
- lda2vec
- spaCy
- chainer
- python-dev
HyPRec is licensed under the Apache License 2.0
Copyright © 2017 by Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Institut für Informatik