A way to combine the powers of the automatic and fast reloading from ghcid, and the full interactive powers from GHCi.
Put the function from the ghcid_script.sh in your bash_aliases (or similar) and use it like this:
Prints out the ghci-command before the result. Also inserts one blank between
ghcid_script testDefinitions.hs testscript.hs
example :
===> "hei"
:t "hei"
===> "hei" :: [Char]
:k []
===> [] :: * -> *
123 + 23
===> 146
:t testFunc
===> testFunc :: [a] -> a
xs = [1..5]
testFunc xs
===> 5
testFunc [1..10]
===> 10
Clear-mode : Run ghcid on testDefinitions.hs and run all ghci-commands in testscript.hs.
ghcid_script testDefinitions.hs testscript.hs -c
"hei" :: [Char]
[] :: * -> *
testFunc :: [a] -> a
Line-mode : Same as above, but the ghcid.script changes every blank line to 'putStrLn mempty' to make it easy to space the output.
ghcid_script testDefinitions.hs testscript.hs -l
"hei" :: [Char]
[] :: * -> *
testFunc :: [a] -> a
All modes also turns off +t with the `--setup=":unset +t" argument
Features :
make a syntax for ghci-commands where the result should not be shown, but instead the command itself. (xs = 10)
Fixes :
Fix newline after definitions in test-mode. (xs = 10)