Moqui Framework 1.6.1
Moqui Framework 1.6.1 is a minor new feature and bug fix release.
This is the first release after the repository reorganization in Moqui Ecosystem. The runtime directory is now in a separate repository. The framework build now gets JAR files from Bintray JCenter instead of having them in the framework/lib directory. Overall the result is a small foundation with additional libraries, components, etc added as needed using Gradle tasks.
Build Changes
- Gradle tasks to help handle runtime directory in a separate repository from Moqui Framework
- Added component management features as Gradle tasks
- Components available configured in addons.xml
- Repositories components come from configured in addons.xml
- Get component from current or release archive (getCurrent, getRelease)
- Get component from git repositories (getGit)
- When getting a component, automatically gets all components it depends on (must be configured in addons.xml so it knows where to get them)
- Do a git pull for moqui, runtime, and all components
- Most JAR files removed, framework build now uses Bintray JCenter
- JAR files are downloaded as needed on build
- For convenience in IDEs to copy JAR files to the framework/dependencies directory use: gradle framework:copyDependencies; note that this is not necessary in IntelliJ IDEA (will import dependencies when creating a new project based on the gradle files, use the refresh button in the Gradle tool window to update after updating moqui)
- If your component builds source or runs Spock tests changes will be needed, see the runtime/base-component/example/build.gradle file
For full release notes see:
The file is a source distribution for all projects in the Moqui Ecosystem: moqui-framework, moqui-runtime, mantle-udm, mantle-usl, mantle-edi, AuthorizeDotNet, SimpleScreens, HiveMind, and PopCommerce.
The MoquiEcosystem-1.6.1.war file is a prebuilt all-in-one distribution with demo data loaded and tests run. To try it out just drop it into your preferred Servlet container (Tomcat, Jetty, etc; on AWS ElasticBeanstalk, etc). This is the file deployed on the Moqui Demo server ( with small changes to the MoquiProductionConf.xml file for HTTPS settings.