This project includes a model, an importer, and some visulization to evaluate the health of a GitLab or GitHub group.
Download a Moose image.
In the Moose image, in a playground (Ctrl+O
, Ctrl+W
), perform:
Metacello new
repository: 'github://moosetechnology/GitProjectHealth:main/src';
baseline: 'GitLabHealth';
onConflict: [ :ex | ex useLoaded ];
onUpgrade: [ :ex | ex useIncoming ];
onDowngrade: [ :ex | ex useLoaded ];
In a playground (Ctrl+O
, Ctrl+W
glhModel := GLHModel new.
glhApi := GLHApi new
privateToken: '<Your private token>';
glhImporter := GLHModelImporter new
glhApi: glhApi;
glhModel: glhModel.
"137 is the ID of the a Group, you can find the number in the webpage of every project and group"
glhImporter importGroup: 137.
In a playground (Ctrl+O
, Ctrl+W
glhModel := GLHModel new.
githubImporter := GHModelImporter new glhModel: glhModel; privateToken: '<my private token>'; yourself.
githubImporter importGroup: 'moosetechnology'.
GitLab API only
You might want to gather more commits for a specific repository. To do so in GitLab, we added the following API
myProject := ((glhModel allWithType: GLHProject) select: [ :project | project name = '<my projectName>' ]) anyOne.
glhImporter importCommitsOf: myProject withStats: true until: '2023-01-01' asDate.
To visualize the group "health"
dritGroup := (glhModel allWithType: GLHGroup) detect: [ :group | group id = 137 ].
canvas := (GLHGroupVisualization new forGroup: dritGroup).
canvas open.
To export the visualization as a svg image
dritGroup := (glhModel allWithType: GLHGroup) detect: [ :group | group id = 137 ].
canvas := (GLHGroupVisualization new forGroup: dritGroup).
canvas open.
canvas svgExporter
fileName: 'drit-group-health';
Here is the metamodel used in this project
This project comes with connectors to other metamodels to increase its powerfulness. Explore this part of the documentation on the main website.
This work has been first developed by the research department of Berger-Levrault
|glphModel glphApi glhImporter beforeExp duringExp usersWithProjects gme|
"This example set up and run a GitProjectHealth metrics over two period of time of a given set of users and their projects.
It ouputs a csv files containing : churn code, commits frequencies, code addition and deletion, comments added (e.g. // # /**/ ), avg delay before first churn and merge request duration.
"load githealth project into your image"
Metacello new
repository: 'github://moosetechnology/GitProjectHealth:GLPH-importer-new-changes/src';
baseline: 'GitLabHealth';
onConflict: [ :ex | ex useIncoming ];
onUpgrade: [ :ex | ex useIncoming ];
onDowngrade: [ :ex | ex useLoaded ];
"set up a log at your root"
TinyLogger default
addFileLoggerNamed: 'pharo-code-churn.log'.
"new model instance"
glphModel := GLPHEModel new.
"new API class instance"
glphApi := GLPHApi new
privateToken: '<YOUR_TOKEN_KEY>';
"new importer instance"
glhImporter := GLPHModelImporter new
glhApi: glphApi;
glhModel: glphModel;
withFiles: false;
withCommitDiffs: true.
"setting up the period to compare (e.g. before a experience and during an experience)"
beforeExp := {
#since -> ('1 march 2023' asDate).
#until -> ('24 may 2023' asDate).
} asDictionary .
duringExp := {
#since -> ('1 march 2024' asDate).
#until -> ('24 may 2024' asDate).
} asDictionary .
usersWithProjects := {
" 'dev nameA' -> { projectID1 . projectID2 }."
" 'dev nameB' -> { projectID3 . projectID2 }."
'John Do' -> { 14 . 543 . 2455 }.
} asDictionary.
gme := GitMetricExporter new glhImporter: glhImporter;
initEntitiesFromUserProjects: usersWithProjects;
beforeDic: beforeExp; duringDic: duringExp; label: 'GitLabHealth'.
"select among the following calendar class (at least one) "
gme exportOver: { Date . Week . Month . Year .}.
"the output files are located at 'FileLocator home/*.csv' "
Smalltalk snapshot: true andQuit: true.
git clone
cd GitProjectHealth
git checkout GLPH-importer-new-changes
sudo docker build -t code-churn-pharo .
sudo docker run code-churn-pharo &
Locate and retrieve csv output files:
sudo docker ps
sudo docker exec -it <container-id> find / -type f -name 'IA4Code*.csv' 2>/dev/null