A arduino project for a countdown "clock" with board games in mind.\
The clock does not display how much time is left, but rather indicates it using a green, yellow and red LED to blink 1/3 of the time each, to keep information simple in the situation. When the time is up a speaker beeps for five seconds.
The code enables the following functionality to the rummiduino:
- Button no. 1 (start button) to start countdown of time (1 minute by default).
- Button no. 2 (pause button) to pause the time (disagreements happens in board games where I come from).
- Button no. 3 (stop button) stop and resets the timer.
- Pressing start button while the timer is running will restart the timer.
- Pressing pause and stop button simultaneously enables setting the countdown timer.
- each lit LED indicates 30 seconds, e.g. red + yellow = 1 minute.
- More or less time is controlled with pause and stop buttons.
- Exit and set time by pressing start button.