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This project contains a RAML java parser compatible with version 0.8 of the RAML specification. The parser depends on SnakeYaml, a Java YAML parser.
The Java RAML parser is versioned in the following manner:
in which x.y denotes the version of the RAML specification and z is the version of the parser.
So 0.1.2 is the 2nd revision of the parser for the 0.1 version of the RAML specification.
mvn clean package
mvn clean package -P jar-with-dependencies
Run standalone validator
java -jar raml-parser-{version}.jar raml-file ...
The validator allows you to check whether a RAML resource is valid or not, and in the case is not valid it provides a List of validation results:
List<ValidationResult> results = RamlValidationService.createDefault().validate(ramlLocation);
The parser returns a Raml object and can be invoked using a String with the RAML file location:
Raml raml = new RamlDocumentBuilder().build(ramlLocation);
If you do any change to the Raml object model and you want to get the updated RAML descriptor you can use RamlEmitter class:
Raml raml = new RamlDocumentBuilder().build(ramlLocation);
// modify the raml object
RamlEmitter emitter = new RamlEmitter();
String dumpFromRaml = emitter.dump(raml);