Project: Gomoku AI
This project will focus on implementing two main modes of the game gomoku, player vs. player mode and AI mode. Basic player vs. player and AI modes will be implemented using the minimax algorithm, along with alpha-beta pruning. Additionally, a leaderboard is included to record the top 5 player's number of wins.
How-To-Run: The user should run the Modal_Main_Class.py file to run the game. To restart the leaderboard, the user should go into Leaderboard_Mode.py and uncomment the two lines of code included. Run the file, and recomment to keep the following leaderboard scores.
Libraries installed: Pygame: https://www.pygame.org/docs/tut/ImportInit.html
CMU-112-Graphics: from: https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~112/notes/notes-animations-part1.html
Shortcuts: No specific shortcuts were implemented. See the help section in game for controls specific to the game.