Official cloudformation resource to manage momento serverless caches.
Please see our Docs page for full end user docs and usage instructions for using this resource in your templates.
To use this resource in your account it currently needs to be registered as a private cloudformation extension per AWS account and region you want to use it in. You will need to install the AWS CFN CLI locally to submit the resource.
Once you have the CFN-CLI installed and have AWS credentials for the account you want to deploy you can submit this resource to be registered in your account in region of your choice.
make build
cfn submit --set-default -v --region us-east-1
Once you have the Momento::SimpleCache::Cache
cfn extension installed you can start provisioning caches in your account
Bootstrap account with your momento auth token in secrets manager
export MOMENTO_AUTH_TOKEN=eyjbTestToken
aws secretsmanager create-secret \
--name /momento/authToken \
--secret-string $MOMENTO_AUTH_TOKEN
replace $MOMENTO_AUTH_TOKEN value with token received during signup
Create test.yml
file with following contents
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Type: Momento::SimpleCache::Cache
Name: test-cache
AuthToken: '{{resolve:secretsmanager:/momento/authToken}}'
Deploy test stack
aws cloudformation create-stack \
--region us-west-2 \
--template-body "file://test.yml" \
--stack-name "test-cache-stack"
If you want to contribute to this repo and develop on this resource please follow these instructions
Set up a local json file to pass env vars in for testings called local-e2e-test.json
Its contents should look like this:
"TypeFunction": {
Build resource
Start Local lambda
sam local start-lambda -n local-e2e-test.json
Run Tests
cfn test