New "Apple Pay Direct" payment method for quick checkout on detail pages and in your cart.
New option to set both, the LIVE and TEST API-keys along with a Test Mode (enabled/disabled)
New configuration option to allow a sub shop to inherit the configuration from the main shop.
Custom Fields will now be restored on failed payments.
Improved notification webhook endpoint to always show a technical output, but no sensitive data
(will be shown in the Shopware backend logs)
Fix problems when setting "shipped" for Klarna payments from Backend.
Fix broken Klarna CLI command to mark orders as "shipped".
Fix rare problem with the Shopware Advanced Promotion plugin and the Mollie Orders API.
Fix problems with multiple sub shops and plugin configurations. The plugin will now always
use the correct configuration from the sub shop of a an order (in the Backend and in notifications).
- Lots of minor fixes and improvements to make the plugin more stable.