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Report generator for Variant Call Format (VCF) files


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Variant Interpretation Pipeline - VCF Report Generator

Command-line application to generate a report for any VCF (Variant Call Format) file based on a report template.


  • Java 21


usage: java -jar vcf-report.jar -i <arg> [-m <arg>] [-o <arg>] [-f] [-t <arg>] [-pb
       <arg>] [-pd <arg>] [-ph <arg>] [-ms <arg>] [-r <arg>]
       [-g <arg>] [-c <arg>] [-dt <arg>] [-d]
 -i,--input <arg>            Input VCF file (.vcf or .vcf.gz).
 -m,--metadata <arg>      VCF metadata file (.json).
 -o,--output <arg>           Output report file (.html).
 -f,--force                  Override the output file if it already
 -t,--template <arg>         Report template file (.html).
 -pb,--probands <arg>        Comma-separated list of proband names.
 -pd,--pedigree <arg>        Comma-separated list of pedigree files
 -ph,--phenotypes <arg>      Comma-separated list of sample-phenotypes
                             (e.g. HP:123 or HP:123;HP:234 or
                             sample0/HP:123,sample1/HP:234). Phenotypes
                             are CURIE formatted (prefix:reference) and
                             separated by a semicolon.
 -ms,--max_samples <arg>     Integer stating the maximum number of samples
                             to be available in the report. Default: 100
 -r,--reference <arg>        Reference sequence file (.fasta.gz, .fna.gz,
                             .fa.gz, .ffn.gz, .faa.gz or .frn.gz).
 -g,--genes <arg>            Genes file to be used as reference track in the 
                             genome browser, UCSC NCBI RefSeq GFF file 
                             (gff.gz or gff3.gz).
 -c,--cram <arg>             Comma-separated list of sample-bam files
 -dt,--decision_tree <arg>   Decision tree file as used in
                             vip-decision-tree (.json).
 -d,--debug                  Enable debug mode (additional logging and
                             pretty printed report).

usage: java -jar vcf-report.jar -v
 -v,--version   Print version.



java -jar vcf-report.jar -i my.vcf.gz -m metadata.json -t my-template.html
java -jar vcf-report.jar -i my.vcf.gz -m metadata.json -o my-report.html -t my-template.html
java -jar vcf-report.jar -i my.vcf.gz -m metadata.json -o my-report.html -t my-template.html
java -jar vcf-report.jar -i my.vcf.gz -m metadata.json -o my-report.html -t my-template.html -pb sample0,sample1 -pd my.ped,my_other.ped
java -jar vcf-report.jar -i my.vcf.gz -m metadata.json -o my-report.html -t my-template.html -pb sample0,sample1 -pd my.ped,my_other.ped
java -jar vcf-report.jar -i my.vcf.gz -m metadata.json -o my-report.html -t my-template.html -pb sample0,sample1 -pd my.ped,my_other.ped -ph HP:0000001;HP:0000002
java -jar vcf-report.jar -i my.vcf.gz -m metadata.json -o my-report.html -t my-template.html -pb sample0,sample1 -pd my.ped,my_other.ped -ph sampleId1/HP:0000001;HP:0000002,sampleId2/HP:0000001
java -jar vcf-report.jar -i my.vcf.gz -m metadata.json -o my-report.html -t my-template.html -pb sample0,sample1 -pd my.ped,my_other.ped -ph sampleId1/HP:0000001;HP:0000002,sampleId2/HP:0000001 -ms 10
java -jar vcf-report.jar -v

Frequently asked questions

Why doesn't my report load in the web browser?

You report might contain more data than your web browser can handle. Try reducing the number of VCF records, setting a lower value for --max_samples and reducing alignment data in .cram files. In case of long-read alignment sequences try removing --cram from the argument list.



Generate a personal access token in GitHub with at least the scope "read:packages".

Then add a settings.xml to your Maven .m2 folder, or edit it if you already have one. It should contain the following:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<settings xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">

      <username>[YOUR VIP USERNAME]</username>
      <password>[YOUR PERSONAL ACCESS TOKEN]</password>


The report generator transforms the input data to a JavaScript object (window.api) that is injected into the report template at the end of the head tag.


Consider the following template:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
<div id="report"></div>
  document.getElementById("report").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(

The resulting report after rendering the template using input data will look like:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
    window.api = {...}
<div id="report"></div>
  document.getElementById("report").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(api)


The format of the variant report data is described in the Java classes.

The format of the phenotype data is described here: Phenopackets_Person

The format of the sample data is described here: Phenopacket Please note that only a subset of PhenotypicFeature fields is returned.


"phenotypes": {
    "items": [
        "subject": {
          "id": "SampleId123"
        "phenotypicFeaturesCount": 2,
        "phenotypicFeaturesList": [
            "type": {
              "id": "HP:123456",
              "label": "HP:123456"
            "type": {
              "id": "HP:234567",
              "label": "HP:234567"