The data as prepared by the beatiful faktaoklimatu project and website, processed in python to produce similar charts, slightly interactive (with plotly).
Check the results online at data-o-klimatu.
- jupyter lab
- jupytext synchronizes notebooks to .py files which are commited,
- todo: git lfs for generated html files
- notebooks are organized more to be lookable at by the general public - no code on the website, main chart should be the first thing the user sees
- deployment to netlify currently done locally, to be changed once the lfs is setup
prepare a notebook skeleton
along with a "rules" document
describe process (with both editor & jlab env & console to the right)
code formatting
toc, especially for the exported -
docker to make it easier for ppl
instructions for installing
writeup about usage
tropic days - save data (after fetching from xls) locally as well to make next load a bit faster
- favicon
- domain ?
- og image ?
- footer
- about page
- link to github for notebook
- some kind of styling ?
- store html with results from nbconvert in git lfs
jupyter nbconvert --template=basic --to=html --output-dir=work notebooks/tropic_days.ipynb python pub check locally (cd public python -m http.server) python -m pynetlify deploy_folder --site-id 92182069-95ba-4331-8a96-2e953050a314 public
currently plotly extension doesnt work with new jlab, has to be installed locally - plotly/
also jedi has to be uninstalled for code completion to work (uninstall didnt help, still have to do the below) %config Completer.use_jedi = False
plotly lib is not always included ... for such cases we tell require.js to fetch it from a CDN obviously, the best would be to solve it in jupyter :)
- warming chart - make a comparison about how much co2 the nations produce vs how warm it gets vs how wealthy they are
- try adding links to nice articles about effects of warming (ie siberia natgeo)
- amount of ppl in warm areas ? -> refugees ...
- warming - 2020 ? looks like it got much worse ...
- tropic days - import more stuff
- plotly & geojson polygons
- publishing on deepnote (currently not very plotly friendly) - ask