DEPRECATED - no longer actively maintained. All new development is done in
An issue parser bot who keeps the data of Mojang's JIRA bug tracker "Mojira" crisp & clean
Arisa's bug tracker profile
Report Bug
Request Feature
Arisa was originally written in Ruby by Synchunk, a retired Mojira moderator. Later, she was re-written using ECMAScript 6 for use with Node.js by Mustek. Her purpose is to filter newly created issues on the Mojira bug tracker and help keeping the moderators and helper's workflow on the tracker nice & smooth.
If you want to tinker around with the project on your local PC, you can simply go ahead, clone the project and install needed dependecies with NPM.
git clone
npm install
This project depends on the following projects, thanks to every developer who makes their code open-source! ❤️
- async by caolan
- jira-connector by floralvikings
- moment by marwahaha
- request by mikeal
- log4js by csausdev
Please head over to, search whether your bug is already reported and if not, create an account and click the red "Create" button on the top of the page.
Distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See LICENSE
for more information.