FRI-BWI Code 2013 GitHub link: Eric Maras // Moises Holguin // Chester Omenukor // James Sweetman
Power on the robot and the base. Make sure the robot has a hokuyo laser.
Run $ roscore
Make the ROS package
$ rosmake wifi_lookup
Run Robert's node and our node on the Robot. These should be run on the robot so that the WiFi is sensed from the actual robot.
$ rosrun wifi_lookup
$ rosrun wifi_lookup wifi_test
These should be run on the robot as well to ensure the AMCL pose is working. They must be run on the robot because the hokuyo is attached there
$ rosrun map_server map_server ~/ros/rosbuild_ws/segbot_apps/segbot_navigation/maps/3ne-real.yaml $ roslaunch segbot_bringup segway_base.launch $ roslaunch segbot_navigation amcl.launch --screen
This can be run on either the desktop or the robot
$ roslaunch segbot_navigation rviz.launch
This can also be run on the desktop or the robot, whichever is preferred.
$ rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
Executing this line might help if there is a Seg fault error
$ rm CMakeCache.txt