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Breast Cancer Draft
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moi-taiga committed Mar 13, 2024
1 parent 9dee246 commit 3fd982f
Showing 1 changed file with 167 additions and 0 deletions.
167 changes: 167 additions & 0 deletions vignettes/BreastCancer.Rmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
title: "BreastCancer"
output: html_document
date: "Sys.Date()"

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE)

## Breast Cancer Example

###Load the required libraries
```{r libraries}

###Load the data
##### where to get the object from
```{r data}
#load object from rds
bc.seu <- readRDS("~/Rprojects/BC/merged14.rds")
#join layers
bc.seu[["RNA"]] <- JoinLayers(bc.seu[["RNA"]])

### data stuff
```{r data}
bc.seu <- SCTransform(bc.seu, verbose = FALSE, method = "glmGamPoi")
#run PCA
bc.seu <- RunPCA(bc.seu)
#elbow plot with ndims =50 and
ElbowPlot(bc.seu, ndims = 50)
#run umap with 20 dimensions
bc.seu <- RunUMAP(bc.seu, dims = 1:20)

#### View the Umap of the reference object
```{r data}
#dimplot of the bc.seurat object
DimPlot(bc.seu, = "orig.ident", label = TRUE, reduction = "umap")
DimPlot(bc.seu, = "Tcell_cluster", label = TRUE, reduction = "umap")
DimPlot(bc.seu, = "Tcell_metacluster", label = TRUE, reduction = "umap")

#More pre PPR data prep
```{r data}
# convet to single cell experiment object
#bc.sce <- as.SingleCellExperiment(bc.seu, assay = "SCT")
bc.sce <- SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(expdata = bc.seu@assays$RNA$counts))
colData(bc.sce) <- DataFrame([email protected])
reducedDims(bc.sce)$PCA <- bc.seu@[email protected]
#reducedDims(bc.sce)$UMAP <- bc.seu@[email protected]
# run slingshot
bc.sce <- slingshot(bc.sce,
clusterLabels = "Tcell_metacluster",
start.clus = "niave",
end.clus = "CD8_exhausted"
#reducedDim = "UMAP"
# plot slingshot
#colors <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11,'Spectral')[-6])(100)
#plotcol <- colors[cut(bc.sce$slingPseudotime_1, breaks=100)]
#plot(reducedDims(bc.sce)$PCA, col = plotcol, pch=16, asp = 1)
#lines(SlingshotDataSet(bc.sce), lwd=2, col='black')
#binarize the expression matrix (0.5 chosen as cutoff)
bc.sce <- binarize_exp(bc.sce, fix_cutoff = TRUE, binarize_cutoff = 0.5)
#fit logistic regression and find the switching pseudo-time point for each gene
bc.sce$Pseudotime <- bc.sce$slingPseudotime_1
bc.sce <- find_switch_logistic_fastglm(bc.sce, downsample = FALSE, show_warning = FALSE)
# Produce a filtered df of switching genes
bc_switching_genes <- filter_switchgenes(bc.sce, allgenes = TRUE, r2cutoff = 0.0269)

```{r data}
# Filter the gene expression matrix for the switching genes
bc_reduced <- ppr_filter_gene_expression_for_switching_genes(bc.sce@assays@data@listData$binary, bc_switching_genes)
# Plot the switching genes
plot_timeline_ggplot(bc_switching_genes, timedata = colData(bc.sce)$Pseudotime, txtsize = 3)
##Making a pseudo sample.
# #Take a subset of the seurat object which only includes the exhausted cells
# sleepy_cells <- subset(bc.seu, subset = Tcell_cluster == "T-CD8-exhausted")
# #downsample the cells
# sleepy_cells <- subset(sleepy_cells, downsample = 10)
#subset a small group of exhausted cells from the single cell experiment object (bc_sce)
sleepy_cells_sce <- bc.sce[,colData(bc.sce)$Tcell_cluster == "T-CD8-exhausted"]
#randomly downsample
sleepy_cells_sce <- sleepy_cells_sce[,sample(1:ncol(sleepy_cells_sce), 90)]
#filter the gene expression matrix for the switching genes
sleepy_cells_sce <- ppr_filter_gene_expression_for_switching_genes(sleepy_cells_sce@assays@data@listData$binary, bc_switching_genes)
#use ppr to predict the position of the exhausted cells
sleepy_cells.ppr <- ppr_predict_position(sleepy_cells_sce, bc_switching_genes)
#use ppr to score the accuracy of the prediction
ppr_accuracy_test(sleepy_cells.ppr, bc.sce, plot = FALSE)
ppr_output_plot(sleepy_cells.ppr, col = "red", label = "tired")
#plot the precision of the prediction
sleepy_precision <- ppr_precision(bc.sce, range = seq(0.024, 0.029, 0.0001))
plot(x = sleepy_precision$r2cutoff , y= sleepy_precision$inaccuracy_mean)
#plot that again with a line graph
plot(x = sleepy_precision$r2cutoff , y= sleepy_precision$inaccuracy_mean, type = "l")

#ppr_timeline_plot(bc_switching_genes, genomic_expression_traces = TRUE, reduced_binary_counts_matrix = bc_reduced , cell_id = 1)

#### Running with sample data;
```{r data}
# load A single-cell and spatially-resolved atlas of human breast cancers - T_cells.rds
atlas.seu <- readRDS("~/Rprojects/BC/A single-cell and spatially-resolved atlas of human breast cancers - T_cells.rds")
# #dimplot the atlas
# DimPlot(sample.seu, = "cell_type", label = TRUE, reduction = "umap")
#Subset to only include one donor_id (CID3586)
sample.seu <- subset(atlas.seu, subset = donor_id == "CID3586")
#We may need to subset further by celltype
#Convert to single cell experiment object
sample.sce <- SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(expdata = sample.seu@assays$RNA$counts))
#binarize the expression matrix (0.5 chosen as cutoff)
sample.sce <- binarize_exp(sample.sce, fix_cutoff = TRUE, binarize_cutoff = 0.5)
# Filter the gene expression matrix for the switching genes
sample_reduced <- ppr_filter_gene_expression_for_switching_genes(sample.sce@assays@data@listData$binary, bc_switching_genes)
#use ppr to predict the position of the exhausted cells
sample.ppr <- ppr_predict_position(sample_reduced, = bc_switching_genes)
# plot the predicted position of sample
ppr_output_plot(sample.ppr, col = "red", label = "sample")

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