WeatherWise is an Android mobile application that provides users with real-time weather information and forecasts. Users can view current weather conditions, temperature, humidity, wind speed, pressure, clouds, and more for their current location or any location of interest. Additionally, users can set weather alerts for various conditions such as rain, wind, extreme temperatures, fog, snow, etc.
- Home Screen:
- Display current weather conditions
- Show current date and time
- View hourly and 5-day forecasts
- Display weather icon and description
- Weather Alerts Screen:
- Set alarms for specific weather conditions
- Customize alarm duration and type
- Favorite Screen:
- View a list of favorite locations
- Add, remove, and manage favorite locations
- Settings Screen:
- Choose location by GPS or map
- Choose temperature and wind speed units
- Choose language (Arabic, English)
- Kotlin
- MVVM Architecture Pattern
- Retrofit
- Room
- Coroutines
- Navigation Component
- Shared Preferences
- Alarm Manager
- Repository Pattern
- Open Street Map
- Recyclerview
- Unit Testing
- View Binding
Contributions to the Meal Planner project are welcome! If you have any suggestions, feature requests, or bug reports, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.
This project is licensed under the (ITI). Feel free to use, modify, and distribute the code for your own purposes.