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Code examples

nsmirn0v edited this page Dec 24, 2023 · 12 revisions
Screen Shot 2023-02-05 at 4 34 07 PM

Assuming your project looks like the screen shot above, will generate the following endpoints:

Method URL Payload Response Description
GET /users User[] Get a list of users
GET /users/{userId} User Get a user by ID
POST /users User User Create a new user
PUT (or PATCH) /users/{userId} User User Update a user
Delete /users/{userId} User Delete a user
GET /users/{userId}/tasks or /tasks Task[] Get a list of tasks for a user
GET /users/{userId}/tasks/{taskId} or /tasks/{taskId} Task Get a task by ID
POST /users/{userId}/tasks or /tasks Task Task Create a new task for a user
PUT (or PATCH) /users/{userId}/tasks/{taskId} or /tasks/{taskId} Task Task Update a task for a user
Delete /users/{userId}/tasks/{taskId} or /tasks/{taskId} Task Delete a task


NOTE All examples are written in Javascript. A couple of things to note here are (1) expects content-type:application/json header, (2) data should be sent as a JSON inside the request body.

Get tasks
fetch('', {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {'content-type':'application/json'},
}).then(res => {
  if (res.ok) {
      return res.json();
  // handle error
}).then(tasks => {
  // Do something with the list of tasks
}).catch(error => {
  // handle error
Create a new task
const newTask = {
  content: 'Check out',
  completed: false,

fetch('', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {'content-type':'application/json'},
  // Send your data in the request body as JSON
  body: JSON.stringify(newTask)
}).then(res => {
  if (res.ok) {
      return res.json();
  // handle error
}).then(task => {
  // do something with the new task
}).catch(error => {
  // handle error
Mark tasks completed
fetch('', {
  method: 'PUT', // or PATCH
  headers: {'content-type':'application/json'},
  body: JSON.stringify({completed: true})
}).then(res => {
  if (res.ok) {
      return res.json();
  // handle error
}).then(task => {
  // Do something with updated task
}).catch(error => {
  // handle error
Delete tasks
fetch('https://<', {
  method: 'DELETE',
}).then(res => {
  if (res.ok) {
      return res.json();
  // handle error
}).then(task => {
  // Do something with deleted task
}).catch(error => {
  // handle error


Filtering is implemented using search parameters

Parameter Type Example Descripton
search String search=hello Get all items matching string hello in any of the fields
filter String filter=hello Get all items matching string hello in any of the fields
field_name String title=hello Get all items that have title field matching string hello
Get all tasks that match `hello` string
const url = new URL('');
url.searchParams.append('title', 'hello');

fetch(url, {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {'content-type':'application/json'},
}).then(res => {
  if (res.ok) {
      return res.json();
  // handle error
}).then(tasks => {
  // mockapi returns only tasks that match `hello` string
}).catch(error => {
  // handle error
Get tasks that are not completed
const url = new URL('');
url.searchParams.append('completed', false);

fetch(url, {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {'content-type':'application/json'},
}).then(res => {
  if (res.ok) {
      return res.json();
  // handle error
}).then(tasks => {
  // mockapi returns only incomplete tasks
}).catch(error => {
  // handle error


Pagination is implemented using search parameters

Parameter Type Example Descripton
page Number page=1 Get first page
p Number p=1 Get first page
limit Number limit=10 Get 10 items per page
l Number l=10 Get 10 items per page
Get first 10 tasks that are not completed
const url = new URL('');
url.searchParams.append('completed', false);
url.searchParams.append('page', 1);
url.searchParams.append('limit', 10);

fetch(url, {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {'content-type':'application/json'},
}).then(res => {
  if (res.ok) {
      return res.json();
  // handle error
}).then(tasks => {
  // mockapi returns first 10 tasks that are not completed
}).catch(error => {
  // handle error


Sorting is implemented using search parameters

Parameter Type Example Descripton
sortBy field_name sortBy=title Sort items by title
sortby field_name sortby=title Sort items by title
orderBy field_name orderBy=title Sort items by title
orderby field_name orderby=title Sort items by title
order asc|desc order=desc Sort items in the descending order
Sort tasks by title in ascending order
const url = new URL('');
url.searchParams.append('sortBy', 'title');
url.searchParams.append('order', 'desc'); // order parameter is optional and will default to `asc`

fetch(url, {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {'content-type':'application/json'},
}).then(res => {
  if (res.ok) {
      return res.json();
  // handle error
}).then(tasks => {
  // list of tasks sorted by title in descending order
}).catch(error => {
  // handle error
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