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Muhammad Novel

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Bash C C++ C# CSS HTML Java JavaScript Node.js PHP Python SQL

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Arduino Bootstrap Electron Express.js Flask GitHub Actions Material Design NumPy Pandas PHPUnit Praw Pytest React Wordpress

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GitHub Pages Heroku MongoDB MySQL Notion Oracle PostgreSQL SQLite Vercel

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  1. mnovel mnovel Public

    Config files for my GitHub profile.

  2. CRTFinder CRTFinder Public

    CRTFinder is a simple tool to retrieve a list of subdomains for a given domain using data from, a website that provides public SSL certificate information. The tool automatically removes dup…

    Python 1

  3. HashCracker HashCracker Public

    HashCracker is a simple password hash cracker that supports various hash types and modes of attack, including wordlist and brute-force attacks.

    Python 1

  4. LockPick LockPick Public

    LockPick is a tool designed to extract and decrypt saved passwords from both Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. This tool utilizes data extraction techniques from the browsers' databases and employs…


  5. MalDetector MalDetector Public

    This script recursively scans a specified directory for potentially malicious files based on a set of predefined patterns.


  6. HTTPDos HTTPDos Public
