This project represents Bike Rental Application written in Java using Spring Boot. Custom database queries are written in JPQL.
Application provides functionality to manage cyclists, users and its reservations. When a new reservation is being created, below rules are taken into the account:
- current time is taken as a start time of the reservation
- given bike and cyclist must exist
- it's not allowed to reserve bike with other status than 'FREE'
- if reservation is created without defining its duration, then it's valid by default for next 10 minutes
- by default after creation of the reservation its status is 'ACTIVE'
When a reservation finishes, its status is being automatically changed to 'FINISHED' and bike status is being changed from 'RESERVED' to 'FREE'
BikeRentalApp provides REST API to perform bellow calls. For each endpoint there is written and example call using cURL you can perform on your own in the terminal using cURL.
- returns list of all bikes
e.g.curl localhost:8081/bikes
- returns bike with given id
e.g.curl localhost:8081/bikes/1
- changes status of the bike to 'IN_SERVICE'
e.g.curl localhost:8081/bikes/1/sendToService
- returns list of all cyclists
e.g.curl localhost:8081/cyclists
- returns cyclist with given id
e.g.curl localhost:8081/cyclists/1
- returns list of all reservations
e.g.curl localhost:8081/reservations
- returns reservation with given id
e.g.curl localhost:8081/reservations/1
- returns last reservation based on end time
e.g.curl localhost:8081/reservations/last
- returns last reservation for given bike based on end time
e.g.curl localhost:8081/reservations/last/2
- creates new reservation for given cyclist and bike id for default time and returns newly created reservation if input data was positively validated
e.g.curl localhost:8081/reservations/new/1/1
- creates new reservation for given cyclist and bike id for given time and returns newly created reservation if input data was positively validated
e.g.curl localhost:8081/reservations/new/1/1/30
- changes status of the reservation to 'CANCELLED'
e.g.curl localhost:8081/reservations/cancel/4
Each data type has defined own structure:
- id
- brand
- status
- id
- first name
- last name
- id
- bike
- cyclist
- start timestamp
- end timestamp
- status
To make the project simple it uses H2 In-Memory Database with initial data defined in data.sql file, so you can see some records just from the beginning after initialization. After starting the application you can log into the database on http://localhost:8081/h2-console using parameters like on the picture below (yes, there is no password).