The Ontology Registry and Repository (ORR) integrates semantic web services and tools created by the Marine Metadata Interoperability project, MMI, toward the realization of its Semantic Framework vision. Current funding is provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation through the Cross-Domain Observational Metadata for Environmental Sensing (X-DOMES) project.
For end-users, documentation is located at
For developers, this is a parent repo that facilitates the build of the integrated ORR system comprising its backend and frontend components, which are referenced via git submodules:
component | description |
---|---| | Backend | | Frontend |
Actual code development occurs within those repos.
For a fresh clone of this repo on your system, you can run the following to fetch everything including submodules:
git clone --recursive
If you have already cloned this repo but forgot the --recursive
then run:
git submodule update --init --recursive
docker build -f base.Dockerfile -t "mmisw/orr-base:2020-09-12" .
docker push "mmisw/orr-base:2020-09-12"
The main deployable ORR artifact that is built in this repo is the mmisw/orr docker image.
The typical sequence of steps to build a new ORR version reflecting latest submodule changes is as follows:
git submodule foreach "(git checkout master; git pull)"
Check the submodule versions to determine the version for the integrated system,
for example, 3.x.y
. Typically this is going to be the version of the
orr-portal module (see version
entry in orr-portal/package.json)
as this is the one displayed to the end user in the frontend.
We assume such version for the integrated ORR system is captured in the
environment variable in what follows.
The ./
script that we will be running in a moment takes care of
building the whole system. This script expects one or two arguments.
The first argument is the version for the ORR integrated system.
So, we will use ${ORR_VERSION}
for this.
The second argument is only required if the version of the backend
component (see build.Version
entry in orr-ont/project/build.scala)
is different:
Then, run ./
accordingly, that is, either:
NOTE: This may take several minutes to complete.
Example of complete output here.
Publishing the Docker image:
docker login
docker push mmisw/orr:${ORR_VERSION}
git add -u
git commit -m "build v${ORR_VERSION}"
git push origin master
git tag "v${ORR_VERSION}"
git push origin "v${ORR_VERSION}"