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Bicep (#390)
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mmckechney authored Jun 30, 2023
1 parent f89e8de commit 5a74ac3
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Showing 110 changed files with 2,020 additions and 1,522 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -225,3 +225,4 @@ Command_scratch.txt
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
# SQL Build Manager Change Log

### Version 15.4.1
- *UPDATED:* Changed the test environment creation from az CLI commands to Bicep templates/modules
- *UPDATED:* Modified/refactored internal handling of Manged Identity Client ID
- *ADDED:* New EventHub logging type of `ScriptErrors` which will event out any script error messages that occur during execution
- *UPDATED:* Optional feature to have Eventhub monitoring to attempt to create a custom consumer group to avoid any event read conflicts. The running identity must have "Event Hub Owner" RBAC priviledges and there are also two new arguments `--ehrg`/`--eventhubresourcegroup` and `--ehsub`/`--eventhubsubscriptionid` which would need to be provided. If these are not all met, it will continue to use the existing $Default. The custom consumer group will be deleted after run is complete.
- *UPDATED:* `sbm utility eventhub` now accepts a `--jobname=all` to query all events, `--timeout` in seconds for how long to continue to monitor after the last event is received and `--eventhubresourcegroup`/`--ehrg`, `--eventhubsubscriptionid`/`--ehsub`, `--storageaccountname` and `--storageaccountkey` arguments to support the new optional feature to create a custom consumer group. The storage account is used for the consumer checkpointing

### Version 15.4.0
- *FIXED:* Corrected bug #386 - `sbm batch *` were not properly handling the `--authtype ManagedIdentity` argument ()
- *FIXED:* Corrected bug #387 - The path for the `--targetdacpac` was not getting trimmed to just the file name when getting sent to the Batch nodes
Expand Down
23 changes: 18 additions & 5 deletions scripts/templates/Batch/create_batch_account.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,28 @@
[string] $prefix,
[string] $resourceGroupName,
[string] $batchAccountName,
[string] $storageAccountName,
[string] $userAssignedIdentity,
[string] $location
[string] $location,
[string] $path = "..\..\..\src\TestConfig"
Write-Host "Create Batch Account: $batchAccountName" -ForegroundColor Cyan
# $identity = az identity show --name $userAssignedIdentity --resource-group $resourceGroupName -o tsv --query id
if("" -ne $prefix)
. ./../prefix_resource_names.ps1 -prefix $prefix
. ./../key_file_names.ps1 -prefix $prefix -path $path

$params = "{ ""namePrefix"":{""value"":""$prefix""},"
if("" -ne $batchAccountName) { $params += """batchAccountName"":{""value"":""$batchAccountName""}," }
if("" -ne $storageAccountName) { $params += """storageAccountName"":{""value"":""$storageAccountName""}," }
if("" -ne $userAssignedIdentity) { $params += """identityName"":{""value"":""$userAssignedIdentity""}," }
$params = $params.TrimEnd(",")
$params += "}"
$params = $params | ConvertTo-Json
Write-Host $params

# Write-Host "Using User Assigned Identity ID : $identity" -ForegroundColor Green
# az batch account create --name $batchAccountName --resource-group $resourceGroupName --storage-account $storageAccountName --location $location -o table --identity-type UserAssigned --ids $identity
$scriptDir = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
az deployment group create --resource-group $resourceGroupName --template-file "$($scriptDir)/azuredeploy_batch.bicep" --parameters batchAccountName="$batchAccountName" identityName="$userAssignedIdentity" storageAccountName="$storageAccountName" -o table
az deployment group create --resource-group $resourceGroupName --template-file "$($scriptDir)/../Modules/batch.bicep" --parameters $params -o table
20 changes: 0 additions & 20 deletions scripts/templates/Batch/create_batch_account_fromprefix.ps1

This file was deleted.

17 changes: 15 additions & 2 deletions scripts/templates/Batch/create_batch_settingsfiles.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -95,6 +95,9 @@ $params += @("--idrg",$identity.resourceGroup)
$params += @("--tenantid", $tenantId)
$params += @("--subscriptionid", $subscriptionId)
$params += @("--silent")
$params += @("--eventhublogging", "ScriptErrors")
$params += @("--ehrg", $resourceGroupName)
$params += @("--ehsub", $subscriptionId)

if($vnetName -ne "" -and $subnetName -ne "")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,12 +125,13 @@ $keyVaultParam = @("--keyvaultname", $keyVaultName)
# With Password auth (default)
Write-Host "Saving settings file to $settingsJsonWindows" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
$tmpPath = @("--settingsfile", $settingsJsonWindows)
Write-Host $params $winParams $tmpPath -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
Write-Host $params $winParams $tmpPath $tmpPath $ehConnParam -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
Start-Process $sbmExe -ArgumentList ($params + $winParams + $tmpPath + $ehConnParam ) -Wait -NoNewWindow

Write-Host "Saving settings file to $settingsJsonLinux" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
$tmpPath = @("--settingsfile",$settingsJsonLinux)
Write-Host $params $linuxParams $tmpPath $ehConnParam -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
Start-Process $sbmExe -ArgumentList ($params + $linuxParams + $tmpPath + $ehConnParam ) -Wait -NoNewWindow

Expand All @@ -138,12 +142,13 @@ $authMi += @("--principalid",$identity.principalId)

Write-Host "Saving settings file to $settingsJsonWindowsMi" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
$tmpPath = @("--settingsfile", $settingsJsonWindowsMi)
Write-Host $params $winParams $tmpPath -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
Write-Host $params $winParams $tmpPath $authMi $ehNameParam -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
Start-Process $sbmExe -ArgumentList ($params + $winParams + $tmpPath + $authMi + $ehNameParam) -Wait -NoNewWindow

Write-Host "Saving settings file to $settingsJsonLinuxMi" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
$tmpPath = @("--settingsfile",$settingsJsonLinuxMi)
Write-Host $params $linuxParams $tmpPath $authMi $ehNameParam -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
Start-Process $sbmExe -ArgumentList ($params + $linuxParams + $tmpPath + $authMi + $ehNameParam ) -Wait -NoNewWindow

Expand All @@ -152,33 +157,41 @@ Start-Process $sbmExe -ArgumentList ($params + $linuxParams + $tmpPath + $authMi

Write-Host "Saving settings file to $settingsJsonWindowsQueue" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
$tmpPath = @("--settingsfile",$settingsJsonWindowsQueue)
Write-Host $params $winParams $tmpPath $sbConnParam $ehConnParam -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
Start-Process $sbmExe -ArgumentList ($params + $winParams + $tmpPath + $sbConnParam + $ehConnParam ) -Wait -NoNewWindow

Write-Host "Saving settings file to $settingsJsonWindowsQueueKv" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
$tmpPath = @("--settingsfile",$settingsJsonWindowsQueueKv)
Write-Host $params $winParams $tmpPath $sbConnParam $ehConnParam $keyVaultParam -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
Start-Process $sbmExe -ArgumentList ($params + $winParams + $tmpPath + $sbConnParam + $ehConnParam + $keyVaultParam ) -Wait -NoNewWindow

Write-Host "Saving settings file to $settingsJsonLinuxQueue" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
$tmpPath = @("--settingsfile",$settingsJsonLinuxQueue)
Write-Host $params $linuxParams $tmpPath $sbConnParam $ehConnParam -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
Start-Process $sbmExe -ArgumentList ($params + $linuxParams + $tmpPath + $sbConnParam + $ehConnParam ) -Wait -NoNewWindow

Write-Host "Saving settings file to $settingsJsonLinuxQueueKv" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
$tmpPath = @("--settingsfile",$settingsJsonLinuxQueueKv)
Write-Host $params $linuxParams $tmpPath $sbConnParam $ehConnParam $keyVaultParam -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
Start-Process $sbmExe -ArgumentList ($params + $linuxParams + $tmpPath + $sbConnParam + $ehConnParam + $keyVaultParam ) -Wait -NoNewWindow

#With Managed Identity auth
Write-Host "Saving settings file to $settingsJsonWindowsQueueMi" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
$tmpPath = @("--settingsfile",$settingsJsonWindowsQueueMi)
Write-Host $params $winParams $tmpPath $authMi $sbNamespaceParam $ehNameParam -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
Start-Process $sbmExe -ArgumentList ($params + $winParams + $tmpPath + $authMi + $sbNamespaceParam + $ehNameParam) -Wait -NoNewWindow

Write-Host "Saving settings file to $settingsJsonWindowsQueueKvMi" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
$tmpPath = @("--settingsfile",$settingsJsonWindowsQueueKvMi)
Write-Host $params $winParams $tmpPath $authMi $sbNamespaceParam $ehNameParam $keyVaultParam -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
Start-Process $sbmExe -ArgumentList ($params + $winParams + $tmpPath + $authMi + $sbNamespaceParam + $ehNameParam + $keyVaultParam) -Wait -NoNewWindow

Write-Host "Saving settings file to $settingsJsonLinuxQueueMi" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
$tmpPath = @("--settingsfile",$settingsJsonLinuxQueueMi)
Write-Host $params $linuxParams $tmpPath $authMi $sbNamespaceParam $ehNameParam -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
Start-Process $sbmExe -ArgumentList ($params + $linuxParams + $tmpPath + $authMi + $sbNamespaceParam + $ehNameParam) -Wait -NoNewWindow

Write-Host "Saving settings file to $settingsJsonLinuxQueueKvMi" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
$tmpPath = @("--settingsfile",$settingsJsonLinuxQueueKvMi)
Write-Host $params $linuxParams $tmpPath $authMi $sbNamespaceParam $ehNameParam $keyVaultParam -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
Start-Process $sbmExe -ArgumentList ($params + $linuxParams + $tmpPath + $authMi + $sbNamespaceParam + $ehNameParam + $keyVaultParam) -Wait -NoNewWindow
26 changes: 14 additions & 12 deletions scripts/templates/ContainerApp/create_containerapp_env.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,25 +1,27 @@
[string] $prefix,
[string] $resourceGroupName,
[string] $containerAppEnvName,
[string] $logAnalyticsWorkspace,
[string] $containerRegistryName,
[string] $location,
[string] $resourceGroupName,
[string] $subnetId
[string] $subnetId,
[string] $path = "..\..\..\src\TestConfig"
Write-Host "Create Container App Environment" -ForegroundColor Cyan

$logAnalyticsClientId = az monitor log-analytics workspace show --query customerId -g $resourceGroupName -n $logAnalyticsWorkspace
$logAnalyticsKey = az monitor log-analytics workspace get-shared-keys --query primarySharedKey -g $resourceGroupName -n $logAnalyticsWorkspace

Write-Host "Creating Container App Environment: $containerAppEnvName" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
if("" -eq $subnetId)
if("" -ne $prefix)
az containerapp env create -n "$containerAppEnvName" -g "$resourceGroupName" --logs-workspace-id "$logAnalyticsClientId" --logs-workspace-key "$logAnalyticsKey" --location "$location" -o table
. ./../prefix_resource_names.ps1 -prefix $prefix
. ./../key_file_names.ps1 -prefix $prefix -path $path
Write-Host "Creating Container App Environment: $containerAppEnvName" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
if("" -eq $subnetId)
az containerapp env create -n "$containerAppEnvName" -g "$resourceGroupName" --logs-workspace-id "$logAnalyticsClientId" --logs-workspace-key "$logAnalyticsKey" --location "$location" --infrastructure-subnet-resource-id "$subnetId" -o table
$subnetId = az network vnet subnet show --resource-group $resourceGroupName --vnet-name $vnet --name $containerAppSubnet --query id -o tsv
$logAnalyticsClientId = az monitor log-analytics workspace show --query customerId -g $resourceGroupName -n $logAnalyticsWorkspace
$logAnalyticsKey = az monitor log-analytics workspace get-shared-keys --query primarySharedKey -g $resourceGroupName -n $logAnalyticsWorkspace

$scriptDir = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
az deployment group create --resource-group $resourceGroupName --template-file "$($scriptDir)/../Modules/containerappenv.bicep" --parameters containerAppEnvName=$containerAppEnvName logAnalyticsClientId=$logAnalyticsClientId logAnalyticsKey=$logAnalyticsKey subnetId=$subnetId -o table

This file was deleted.

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -126,17 +126,20 @@ foreach($auth in $authTypes)

$params += @("--tenantid", $tenantId)
$params +=("--environmentname",$containerAppEnvironmentName)
$params +=("--location",$location)
$params +=("--location","""$location""")
$params +=("--resourcegroup", $resourceGroupName)
$params +=("--imagetag",$imageTag)
$params +=("--settingsfile",$tmpPath)
$params +=("--settingsfilekey",$keyFile)
$params +=("--storageaccountname",$storageAccountName)
$params += ("--ehrg", $resourceGroupName)
$params += ("--ehsub", $subscriptionId)

$params +=("--defaultscripttimeout",500)
$params +=("--subscriptionid",$subscriptionId)
$params +=("--force","true")
$params += ("--eventhublogging", "ScriptErrors")
$params +=("--username",$sqlUserName)
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,13 @@ param
[string] $prefix
$scriptDir = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path

.$scriptDir\create_containerapp_settingsfile_fromprefix.ps1 -prefix $prefix -withContainerRegistry $true -withKeyVault $true

$scriptDir = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
.$scriptDir\create_containerapp_settingsfile_fromprefix.ps1 -prefix $prefix -withContainerRegistry $false -withKeyVault $true

$scriptDir = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
.$scriptDir\create_containerapp_settingsfile_fromprefix.ps1 -prefix $prefix -withContainerRegistry $true -withKeyVault $false

$scriptDir = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
.$scriptDir\create_containerapp_settingsfile_fromprefix.ps1 -prefix $prefix -withContainerRegistry $false -withKeyVault $false
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
[string] $prefix,
[string] $resourceGroupName,
[string] $containerRegistryName,
[string] $logAnalyticsWorkspace

if("" -ne $prefix)
. ./../prefix_resource_names.ps1 -prefix $prefix

Write-Host "Creating Container Registry: $containerRegistryName" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
az acr create --resource-group "$resourceGroupName" --name $containerRegistryName --sku Standard --workspace $logAnalyticsWorkspace --admin-enabled true -o table
Expand Down

This file was deleted.


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