This repo contains the blog posts, pages, and other junk associated with my website. If you're interested in fixing a typo or doing other such things, you're absolutely welcome to.
Plugins and themes are in ../pelican-plugins and ../pelican-themes. You can update them individually by, changing into their directory, then:
git pull --recurse-submodules
git submodule update --recursive
That'll get and update the correct submodules.
You'll want to update Pelican from time to time. You can check your current version with:
pelican --version
If it's older than you want, you can update everything with:
pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
And you'll then want to freeze the new requirements with:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Easy, peasy, use the --verbose and --debug flags:
pelican content -s --verbose --debug
To do this, go into the home directory for the blog and run:
make github
This will generate a release, put it in the gh-pages
branch, and then push it
to Github.
Generally, after this is complete, a commit should be pushed to master with the changes.
This took some effort to figure out:
pelican -s --write-selected output/posts/2014/10/14/becoming-a-non-profit/index.html --debug