An IntelliJ IDEA plugin that allows to get suggestions for better method names based on state-of-art machine learning approach code2seq. The goal of the plugin is to improve code quality. Currently plugin supports only Java projects.
The plugin contains inspections that analyzes methods in the project in background mode and shows suggestions if there are better names for the method.
They are accessed via Alt+Enter
when the cursor is at the method name or if-statement.
Method names suggestions
- Inspection is intended for suggesting better names for methods in the project. If user accepts suggestion plugin does rename refactoring for all method occurrences.
If-statement extractor
- Inspection is intended for detecting long if-statement conditions. Inspection extracts condition's body, creates new method in the current class, put the condition's body in new method, generates name for it and adds method call to the if-statement condition.
- Currently plugin is available only for Linux and Mac
- Build .jar
./gradlew jar
- Go to
Settings-> Plugins-> Install plugin from disk
- Locate and select result .jar from the first step
- Restart IntelliJ IDEA
Click on the method name, press Alt+Enter
and select Generate suggestions
Inspection highlights some method names, you can click on method name, press Alt+Enter
and select Get method name suggestions
. You can accept one suggestion or ignore.
Also you can suppress inspection's tip on the method by selecting "Suppress on this method".