For Android, by mkalyon
Cordova Exoplayer Plugin
Original repository
Designed for android box/tv/tablet/phone
Exoplayer v2.11.8
Cordova 8.0.0
Android Platform 8.1.0
New Features:
- Sending Playlist
- Selection Subtitle/Audio/Quality(hls) tracks (if media has them)
- Loading spinner
- Epg data line
- Description line
- keyEvent control
- timeZone parameter for clock
- Clock
- Toast message
- Added getSubtitles / getAudios / getVideos / getPlaylist / showToast / showMenu
Create a new Cordova Project
$ cordova create hello com.example.helloapp Hello
Install the plugin
$ cd hello
$ cordova platform add [email protected]
$ cordova plugin add
Edit www/js/index.js
and add the following code inside onDeviceReady
If you use android 8.1.0 sdk change build.gradle
open app_location/platform/android/build.gradle find classpath '' then change classpath ''
If you use android 9.0.0 sdk add cordova-plugin-androidx plugin
##Cordova execs
setStream(url, controllerConfig) // switch stream without disposing of the player. controllerConfig is "controller" part of the inital parameters.
playPause() // will pause if playing and play if paused :-)
stop() // will stop the current stream
seekTo(milliseconds) // jump to particular poing into the stream
getState(successCallback, errorCallback) // returns player state
showController() // shows player controller
hideController() // hides player controller
setController() // sets `controller` part of configuration related to the info bar and control buttons.
close() // close and dispose of player, very important to call this method when your app exits!
playPrevious() // play previous playlist item
playNext // play next playlist item
getSubtitles() // get captions if exits
getAudios() // show audios if exits
getVideos() // show video qualities if exits (only for hls links)
getPlaylist() // show playlist
showToast(message) // show toast message
showMenu() // open tools menu (playlist/subtitles/audios/qualties)
var successCallback = function(json) {
var errorCallback = function(error) {
var url="";
var logo="";
var title="Superman Retrun to Home";
var epg="Epg1...............\nEpg2...............";
var desc="Description";
var parameters={
url: url, // First url
order:0, // Playlist order
aspectRatio: 'FIT_SCREEN', // default is FIT_SCREEN
hideTimeout: 5000, // Hide controls after this many milliseconds, default is 5 sec
forwardTime: 60 * 1000, // Amount of time to use when skipping forward, default is 1 min
rewindTime: 60 * 1000, // Amount of time to use when skipping backward, default is 1 min
keyEvent:false, // true return key events to cordova, false key event using player
//audioOnly: true, // Only play audio in the backgroud, default is false.
//subtitleUrl: "", // Optional subtitle url
showBuffering: true, //buffer
showSpinner:true, // loading spinner
timeZone:3, // for clock
transParent:true, // alert dialog theme
autoStop:true, // when video is finished then auto stop video
controller: { // If this object is not present controller will not be visible
streamImage: logo,
streamTitle: title,
streamEpg: epg,
streamDescription: desc,
controlIcons: {
'exo_rew': null,
'exo_play': null,
'exo_pause': null,
'exo_ffwd': null,
textColor: '#FF00A6FF', //'#ffffffff', // These colors can be any valid Android color
buttonsColor: '#FF00A6FF', //'#ffffffff', // This example uses hex values including alpha (first byte)
bufferingColor: '#ff0000ff', // Alpha of 'ff' makes it 100% opaque
hideProgress: false, // Hide entire progress timebar
hidePosition: false, // If timebar is visible hide current position from it
hideDuration: false // If timebar is visible Hide stream duration from it
items: [
{ title: "Superman Retrun to Home", url: "", logo: "" },
{ title: "TR: STAR TV UHD", url: "", logo: "" },
{ title: "TR: TV8 UHD", url: "", logo: "" },
{ title: "TR: ATV UHD", url: "", logo: "" },
{ title: "TR: SHOW TV UHD", url: "", logo: "" },
{ title: "TR: KANAL D UHD", url: "", logo: "" },
{ title: "TR: STAR TV UHD", url: "", logo: "" },
{ title: "TR: FOX TV UHD", url: "", logo: "" },
{ title: "TR: TV8 UHD", url: "", logo: "" },
{ title: "TR: ATV UHD", url: "", logo: "" },
{ title: "TR: SHOW TV UHD", url: "", logo: "" },
{ title: "TR: TV8 UHD", url: "", logo: "" }
};, successCallback, errorCallback);
or You can add parameters items like that
var parameters={
url: url,
aspectRatio: 'FIT_SCREEN', // default is FIT_SCREEN
hideTimeout: 5000, // Hide controls after this many milliseconds, default is 5 sec
forwardTime: 60 * 1000, // Amount of time to use when skipping forward, default is 1 min
rewindTime: 60 * 1000, // Amount of time to use when skipping backward, default is 1 min
keyEvent:false, // true return key events, false key event using player
//audioOnly: true, // Only play audio in the backgroud, default is false.
//subtitleUrl: '', // Optional subtitle url
showBuffering: true,
transParent:true, // alert dialog theme
autoStop:true, // when video is finished then auto stop video
controller: { // If this object is not present controller will not be visible
streamImage: logo,
streamTitle: title,
streamEpg: '',
streamDescription: '',
controlIcons: {
'exo_rew': null,
'exo_play': null,
'exo_pause': null,
'exo_ffwd': null,
textColor: '#FF00A6FF', //'#ffffffff', // These colors can be any valid Android color
buttonsColor: '#FF00A6FF', //'#ffffffff', // This example uses hex values including alpha (first byte)
bufferingColor: '#ff0000ff', // Alpha of 'ff' makes it 100% opaque
hideProgress: false, // Hide entire progress timebar
hidePosition: false, // If timebar is visible hide current position from it
hideDuration: false // If timebar is visible Hide stream duration from it
items: [] //empty items
(parameters.items).push({title: value.title, url: lnk, logo: logo}); // use loop for all links, successCallback, errorCallback);
Remote control usage
keyEvent:false ==> Player used defined keys
Up : play next
Down :play previous
Left / Right : seek
back: stop and close video
enter/ok/dpad_center : once showController twice showMenu
menu key : showMenu
How to use video extension
- Do not need it but ExoPlayer sometimes can not select media type, following example link cant play without extension.
- use | tag
- video_link|extension
- Example: mpd extension
- ",fmp4_sd_hd_clear&sparams=ip,ipbits,expire,source,id,as&ip=|mpd";
Controller is composed of several pieces. To the left there is optional streamImage, followed by two lines on the right, top and bottom. Top line is reserved for streamTitle, while bottom line can either be streamDescription or progress bar. If you provide streamDescription, progress bar will not be visible. Optionaly you can turn off progress bar by passing hideProgress: true if you don't want to show either.
Playback control buttons are centered on the screen and use default ExoPlayer icons. Optionally you can override these by your own images via controlIcons object.
You can pass subtitleUrl
for subtitle to be shown over the video. We currently support .srt and .vtt subtitle formats. Subtitles are not supported on all stream types, as ExoPlayer has requirement that both video and subtitle "must have the same number of periods, and must not have any dynamic windows", which means for simple mp4s it should work, but on more complex HLS/Dash setups it might not.
If you pass in audioOnly: true
, make sure to manually close the player on some event (like escape button) since the plugin won't be detecting keypresses when playing audio in the background.
If you want to show default control buttons (play/pause, rewind, forward) you need an empty controlIncons object:
controlIcons: {
Plugin will send following events back to Cordova app through successCallback specified through show function:
Each event will send JSON payload coresponding to that event. Some events (where appropriate) will also send additional information about playback like duration, postion, etc.
Example of key events:
Example of touch events:
For more information on setting up Cordova see the documentation
For more info on plugins see the Plugin Development Guide
General ExoPlayer documentation
ExoPlayer source code
"# cordova-plugin-mkExoplayer"
@frontyard - (forked codes)
@google - (usage)