This repo contains functions for reproducing results provided in article Gromov–Wasserstein Distances and the Metric Approach to Object Matching. All functions are written in R programming language.
article : Gromov–Wasserstein Distances and the Metric Approach to Object Matching
author : Facundo Mémoli
year : 2011
# you may need some extra tools (e.g., Xcode for Mac users, and
# Rtools for Windows users) to install gwDist.
# After installing Rtools run
# and then install packages gwDist
# load metric measure spaces of 3D animal data into worksapce
# subset of metric measure spaces
mm_sub <- mmspaces_3D[c(12:16,61:65)]
# compute GW distance between 10 objects selected
gw_mat <- matrix(nrow = length(mm_sub), ncol = length(mm_sub))
for(i in 1:length(mm_sub))
X <- mm_sub[[i]]$points
d_X <- mm_sub[[i]]$dist
mu_X <- mm_sub[[i]]$prob
for(j in i:length(mm_sub))
Y <- mm_sub[[j]]$points
d_Y <- mm_sub[[j]]$dist
mu_Y <- mm_sub[[j]]$prob
# compute initial values using solve_FLB_Rglpk
sol <- solve_FLB_Rglpk(X,Y,d_X,d_Y,mu_X,mu_Y)$solution
# compute Gromov-Wasserstein distance
gw_mat[i,j] <- gwDist(sol, d_X, d_Y, mu_X, mu_Y)$optimum
gw_mat[j,i] <- gw_mat[i,j]
rownames(gw_mat) <- colnames(gw_mat) <- names(mm_sub)