A manager for processing multiple DropzoneJS objects.
Add the required script tags linking to your copy of the dropzone.js and dropzone-manager.min.js files
<script src="./path/to/dropzone.js"></script>
<script src="./path/to/dropzone-manager.min.js"></script>
Create a new instance.
var existingDropzones = Dropzone.instance || [];
var manager = new DropzoneManager(existingDropzones);
Add a dropzone
var newDropzone = DropzoneManager.createDropzone('myDropzoneId', { url: "/url/to/post"}));
To process any Dropzones that are currently registered in the manager, just call processAll, which you can pass in a callback that return the all the dropzones that were processed.
manager.processAll( { order : 'ASC' }, function(err, dropzones)) {
if(!err) alert('finished');
or process a specific dropzone in the manager via id
manager.processById({ id: 'myDropzoneId' }, function(err, dropzone) {
if(!err) alert('Dropzone: ' + dropzone.options.id + 'has been processed');