anim-studios-tools - A suite of tools that formed part of the pipeline for an animated motion picture.
Probe - a collection of useful utilities for debugging and profiling python modules.
Grenade - an object-oriented api for accessing Shotgun (created by extending the functional api shotgun already provide).
Miki - a collection of useful utilities for generating code/api documentation for python (and C++) projects, based on the open-source package Sphinx.
Napalm - a lightweight template-based library for vfx data runtime exchange and serialisation, with python bindings.
H5cpp - a low-level C++ API for HDF5, which introduces type safety and scoped asset destruction, without imposing an OO hierarchy.
dgal - an adaptor-based template library of geometric algorithms, mostly consisting of clipping routines. Includes a fast and stable voronoi fracturer which uses qhull.
hdk_utls - various utility classes and functions for working with SOPs in Houdini 11.
clip_sops - a library of SOPs which bind dgal to houdini. Provides plane clipping, convex hull clipping and voronoi fracturing, of an arbitrary mesh. Currently H11 only.
bimath - a small template library which adds boost serialisation and various type traits to ILM's Imath library.
graphite - A frontend to RRD graphing. Used to build custom graphs from Zenoss and Ganglia data collectors.
Sherman - Web-based disk capacity management. Show a tree of your filesystem with historical and relative size usage of all directories.
tasklogger - Simple C utility that ties into Linux kernel accounting. Keeps a log of every process run and resource utilization.
sgGate - Shotgun Gateway - pulls e-mails into Shotgun tickets.
Review Tools - GUI utility to build RV playlists, ties into Shotgun.
KIP - Tool for keyframe interchanging project for Houdini, Maya and Nuke
Affiliated projects
Certus is a system which resolves dependencies between objects. It contains several subsystems:
Version: A formalization of version numbers as mathematical objects. Resolve: The resolution engine. This takes a request for several objects, and returns a list containing all the objects and their dependencies, avoiding version clashes or other conflicts.
Arsenal - Render farm and cluster management tools