Form Delegate is a service that allows users to process and manage HTML form submissions. It is ideal for static websites and in situations where form processing requires considerable effort.
Using this service requires signing up for an account and creating an endpoint for your submissions. Your generated endpoint will look similar to:
As an example of using Form Delegate, consider this existing HTML form:
<form action="" method="post">
<input name="Subject" placeholder="Enter a subject" required="required" type="text" value="" />
<select name="From" required="required">
<option value="0">Select:</option>
<option value="1">Clinician</option>
<option value="2">Media</option>
<option value="3">Educator</option>
<option value="4">General Public</option>
<textarea name="Question" cols="60" maxlength="2000" required="required" rows="6" title="Question"></textarea>
To use this form with Form Delegate, replace the first line with:
<form action="" method="post">
And that's it. You can configure your endpoint to automatically send an email when a new submission is received, and you can also set up integration hooks with services such as Zapier. Submissions are automatically filtered for spam via Akismet.
- Integrate Stripe payments into frontend
- Refactor notification and alert system
Form Delegate uses Elixir and Phoenix for the API, JavaScript and React for the frontend, and Postgres for the database.
To install the necessary dependencies on your machine:
- Recommended: Install asdf-vm to manage versions of Erlang, Elixir, and Node.js.
- Install Erlang:
asdf install erlang 26.2.4
- Install Elixir*:
asdf install elixir 1.16.2-otp-26
- Install Node.js:
asdf install nodejs latest
- Install Postgres (see the official installation instructions)
* By default, asdf-vm will install Elixir with a binary compiled for the oldest OTP release supported by that version. To get the benefits of a more recent OTP you must specify which OTP you would like to use.
To start the Phoenix app:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
- Ensure the necessary environment variables are set via
source .env
- Start the Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
- Start a local Stripe listener with
stripe listen --forward-to localhost:4000/webhooks/stripe --api-key sk_test_...
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
You can also download our Postman collection of API actions and import it into your environment. Alternatively, you can open our collection by following this link:
To start the React app:
- Install dependencies with
npm install --prefix ./assets
- Start the React development server with
npm run dev --prefix ./assets
Now you can visit localhost:3000
from your browser.
Form Delegate runs on for the Phoenix API and Vercel for the React frontend. Both services offer free tiers that are suitable for development.
Additionally, Form Delegate uses the following services:
Akismet for spam detection
hCaptcha for serving CAPTCHAs
Amazon S3 for block storage of submission files
Postmark for email delivery
Note: This repository is currently hardcoded with our official domain. You will need to create a fork
and replace
where appropriate.
Visit the website to create a free account.
Visit's flyctl installation guide for instructions on how to set up and configure the CLI.
fly launch
inside the project directory and follow the configuration prompts. Set up the Postgres database during this process. -
Configure the project secrets found in
via the flyctl: e.g.,fly secrets set HCAPTCHA_SECRET_API_KEY=0x9623
Deploy the project:
fly deploy
Run the following one-time setup commands to enable SSH access to the app:
fly ssh establish
andfly ssh issue --agent
Open a shell connection to the app's machine:
fly ssh console
Set up your initial data via the remote IEx shell
app/bin/form_delegate remote
team = FormDelegate.Repo.insert!(%FormDelegate.Teams.Team{})
name: "Your Name",
email: "[email protected]",
password_hash: Pbkdf2.hash_pwd_salt("a randomly generated password"),
confirmed_at: DateTime.utc_now(),
team: team,
is_admin: true
FormDelegate.BillingCounts.create_billing_count(%FormDelegate.BillingCounts.BillingCount{}, %{
name: "Free",
limit_submissions: 100,
limit_forms: 5,
limit_storage: 1000000000,
# Replace with your Stripe product ID
stripe_product_id: ""
Visit the Vercel website and sign up for a free Vercel account.
Add a new project via the Git repository import. Add the project's environment variables found in assets/.env.production
- Official website:
- Phoenix Docs:
- React Docs:
- Source: