Quantum ULB Factory Designer (QUFD) maps a given QASM file to a supplied PMD fabric. The resultant MCL file of the mapped circuit will be generated. This tool designs Ion Trap tiles to be used by Quantum Physical Designer (such as HL-QSPR or Squash). It calculates the physical resource requirements for the mapping process.
|-- build.xml -> Ant build file
|-- FTGates -> QASM files for each fault-tolerant gate
|-- PMD
|-- IonTrap.xml -> IonTrap fabric description
|-- qufd.pdf -> QUFD paper published in QIP 2014
|-- src
|-- edu -> Java source code directory
|-- libs
|-- commons-cli-1.2.jar -> Appache Commons CLI library
|-- commons-lang3-3.1.jar -> Apache Commons Lang library
|-- commons-logging-1.1.3.jar -> Apache Commons Logging library
|-- gurobi.jar -> Gurobi 5.6.2 Java interface
|-- jar-in-jar-loader.zip -> Jar loader file taken from Eclipse.
|-- javacc.jar -> Java Compiler Compiler (JavaCC)
|-- javaoctave-0.6.4.jar -> JavaOctave library. A bridge from Java to Octave, useful if you want to use the free solver (qpOASES).
|-- jgrapht-jdk1.6.jar -> JGraphT library.
|-- qpOASES-3.0beta -> A free quadratic programming solver.
`-- README.md -> This readme file.
Ant 1.7 or higher
Oracle Java 7-JDK or higher
Gurobi Optimizer 5.6.2 (free for academic use)
- Octave 3.6 (
Note: If you intend to use any version of Gurobi other than 5.6.2, you must replace src/libs/gurobi.jar
with the one provided in the version you have (located in the lib
directory) and recompile the project.
Make sure that all the requirements are already installed. The following environmental variables should be set before the installation/running of the program.
should point where java and javac binary files are located. -
should point to the appropriate location. Please refer to the installation readme of Gurobi.PATH
should also be updated accordingly.or
- Octave binary file should be in the system
A Makefile takes care of the build process. You may enter the following commands to build and clean the project:
$ make # makes QUFD with Gurobi support
$ make no_gurobi # makes QUFD with qpOASES support
$ make clean # cleans the project
Again, note that if you intend to use any version of Gurobi other than 5.6.2, you must replace src/libs/gurobi.jar
with the one provided in the version you have (located in the lib
directory) and recompile the project.
Run java -jar qufd.jar
to perform tile design for Ion-Trap PMD. The options of this command is listed below:
usage: qufd [-h] [-i <file>] [-m <file>] [-p <file>] [-q <path>] [-r <file>]
QUFD maps a given QASM to a supplied PMD fabric. The resultant MCL file of the mapped
circuit will be generated.
-h,--help Shows this help menu
-i,--input <file> QASM input file
-m,--mcl <file> MCL output file
-p,--pmd <file> PMD file
-q,--qpOASES <path> Uses qpOASES solver
-r,--re <file> Resource estimation file
Note: In order to use the free QP solver (qpOASES), the command should be changed as follows:
java -jar qufd.jar -q src/libs/qpOASES-3.0beta
Getting the physical resource estimation for the FT-H gate, Ion Trap PMD, and [[7,1,3]] Steane code:
$ java -jar qufd.jar -i FTGates/H.qasm -p PMD/IonTrap.xml -r H.re -m H.mcl
Sample Outputs:
rotz 7
c-x 7
measx 21
Qubit 35
rotxy 7
Move 5287
c-z 7
measz 7
geophase 64
Y 128
Z 128
--H.mcl (first 40 lines):
Total Latency: 6064 us
Qubit count: 35
Qubit q106 is placed @(5,1,5,4).
Qubit q105 is placed @(8,0,2,5).
Qubit q104 is placed @(7,0,3,5).
Qubit q103 is placed @(4,0,6,5).
Qubit q102 is placed @(7,2,3,3).
Qubit q306 is placed @(6,4,4,1).
Qubit q101 is placed @(3,0,7,5).
Qubit q305 is placed @(9,0,1,5).
Qubit q100 is placed @(8,1,2,4).
Qubit q304 is placed @(4,4,6,1).
Qubit q303 is placed @(9,1,1,4).
Qubit q302 is placed @(8,2,2,3).
Qubit q506 is placed @(6,0,4,0).
Qubit q301 is placed @(2,0,8,5).
Qubit q505 is placed @(6,0,4,0).
Qubit q300 is placed @(3,1,7,4).
Qubit q504 is placed @(6,0,4,0).
Qubit q503 is placed @(6,0,4,0).
Qubit q502 is placed @(6,0,4,0).
Qubit q501 is placed @(6,0,5,0).
Qubit q500 is placed @(6,0,5,0).
Qubit q006 is placed @(5,0,5,5).
Qubit q005 is placed @(6,0,4,5).
Qubit q004 is placed @(7,1,3,4).
Qubit q003 is placed @(6,1,4,4).
Qubit q002 is placed @(6,2,4,3).
Qubit q206 is placed @(4,2,6,3).
Qubit q001 is placed @(4,1,6,4).
Qubit q205 is placed @(6,3,4,2).
Qubit q000 is placed @(7,3,3,2).
Qubit q204 is placed @(3,2,7,3).
Qubit q203 is placed @(5,2,5,3).
Qubit q202 is placed @(4,3,6,2).
Qubit q201 is placed @(5,3,5,2).
Qubit q200 is placed @(7,4,3,1).
SimTime: 10 Move q500 (6,0,5,0)->(6,0,4,0) Move q506 (6,0,4,0)->(6,0,5,0) Move q501 (6,0,5,0)->(6,0,4,0) Move q002 (6,2,4,3)->(6,2,4,2) Move q000 (7,3,3,2)->(7,3,3,1) Move q005 (6,0,4,5)->(6,0,4,6) Move q003 (6,1,4,4)->(6,1,4,3) Move q006 (5,0,5,5)->(5,0,5,4) Move q001 (4,1,6,4)->(4,1,6,3) Move q004 (7,1,3,4)->(7,1,3,5) Move q202 (4,3,6,2)->(4,3,6,1) Move q200 (7,4,3,1)->(7,4,3,0) Move q205 (6,3,4,2)->(6,3,4,3) Move q203 (5,2,5,3)->(5,2,5,4) Move q206 (4,2,6,3)->(4,2,6,4) Move q201 (5,3,5,2)->(5,3,5,3) Move q204 (3,2,7,3)->(3,2,7,2) Move q100 (8,1,2,4)->(8,1,2,3) Move q102 (7,2,3,3)->(7,2,3,4) Move q503 (6,0,4,0)->(6,0,5,0) Move q504 (6,0,4,0)->(6,0,5,0) Move q103 (4,0,6,5)->(4,0,6,4) Move q505 (6,0,4,0)->(6,0,5,0) Move q105 (8,0,2,5)->(8,0,2,4) Move q101 (3,0,7,5)->(3,0,7,6) Move q106 (5,1,5,4)->(5,1,5,5) Move q104 (7,0,3,5)->(7,0,3,4) Move q300 (3,1,7,4)->(3,1,7,3) Move q302 (8,2,2,3)->(8,2,2,2) Move q303 (9,1,1,4)->(9,1,1,3) Move q305 (9,0,1,5)->(9,0,1,4) Move q301 (2,0,8,5)->(2,0,8,6) Move q306 (6,4,4,1)->(6,4,4,2) Move q304 (4,4,6,1)->(4,4,6,2) Move q502 (6,0,4,0)->(6,0,3,0)
SimTime: 20 Move q500 (6,0,4,0)->(6,0,3,0) Move q502 (6,0,3,0)->(6,0,2,0) Move q501 (6,0,4,0)->(6,0,4,1) Move q002 (6,2,4,2)->(6,2,4,1) Move q003 (6,1,4,3)->(6,1,4,2) Move q006 (5,0,5,4)->(5,0,5,3) Move q001 (4,1,6,3)->(4,1,6,2) Move q200 (7,4,3,0)->(7,3,3,10) Move q205 (6,3,4,3)->(6,3,4,4) Move q203 (5,2,5,4)->(5,2,5,5) Move q206 (4,2,6,4)->(4,2,6,5) Move q201 (5,3,5,3)->(5,3,5,4) Move q204 (3,2,7,2)->(3,2,7,1) Move q100 (8,1,2,3)->(8,1,2,2) Move q102 (7,2,3,4)->(7,2,3,5) Move q103 (4,0,6,4)->(4,0,6,3) Move q106 (5,1,5,5)->(5,1,5,6) Move q104 (7,0,3,4)->(7,0,3,3) Move q504 (6,0,5,0)->(6,0,6,0) Move q005 (6,0,4,6)->(6,0,4,7) Move q503 (6,0,5,0)->(6,0,6,0) Move q505 (6,0,5,0)->(6,0,6,0) Move q000 (7,3,3,1)->(7,3,3,0) Move q004 (7,1,3,5)->(7,1,3,6) Move q202 (4,3,6,1)->(4,3,6,0) Move q105 (8,0,2,4)->(8,0,2,3) Move q101 (3,0,7,6)->(3,0,7,7) Move q300 (3,1,7,3)->(3,1,7,2) Move q302 (8,2,2,2)->(8,2,2,1) Move q303 (9,1,1,3)->(9,1,1,2) Move q305 (9,0,1,4)->(9,0,1,3) Move q301 (2,0,8,6)->(2,0,8,7) Move q306 (6,4,4,2)->(6,4,4,3) Move q304 (4,4,6,2)->(4,4,6,3) Move q506 (6,0,5,0)->(6,0,6,0)
The provided tool is fully tested on a server machine with the following specification:
- OS: Debian Wheezy (Debian 7) AMD64 edition
- CPU: 4 x Intel Xeon Processor E7-8837 (a total of 32 cores)
- Memory: 64GB
- Storage: 6 x HP 300GB 6G SAS 15K RPM SFF
Example runtime result: less than 1 min
Note: We have tested QUFD in Windows 7 and it worked flawlessly.
- Hadi Goudarzi ([email protected])
- Mohammad Javad Dousti ([email protected])
- Alireza Shafaei ([email protected])
- Massoud Pedram ([email protected])
You may contact Mohammad Javad Dousti ([email protected]) for any questions you may have or bugs that you find.
Please refer to the LICENSE file.