My full docker LEMP stack (Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP)
This is a fully working lemp server with all the PHP extensions you might need
This also has some other programs installed like FFMPEG, graphicsmagick, MailDev and a view others programs that a PHP server just needs
- Install docker and docker-compose
- Clone this repo and open a terminal inside the cloned folder
docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d && chmod 775 html -R && chown $USER -R html
- MySql Password: markdepro, username: root, hostname: db
- Webserver: localhost
- Phpmyadmin: localhost:81
- MailDev: localhost:82
- Webserver root: html
- This config will not work on windows
- PHP scripts sometimes doesn't have the write to execute, create, remove, to fix it run:
chmod 777 html -R