- The DB2® real-time statistics stored procedure (DSNACCOX) is a sample stored procedure that makes recommendations to help you maintain your DB2 databases.
- Read more about DSNACCOX
- Codes provided are written in REXX Language.
- CHECKLVL Parameter is set to 0 . So Exception Tables will not be used as of now.
- SPECIALPARM parameter is set to null .Will not be used.
- Codes provided are developed and tested on z/OS 2.3 ,DB2 V10 .
- Option 1
- Upload JCL and REXX Code to PDS dataset .
- Dataset Attributes LRECL=80,RECFM=FB.
- Make sure while uploading format of the file does not change at destination.
- READ JCL instructions to customise it further.
- Option 2
- Upload "dsnaccox.xmit" file in binary format on mainframe .
- Dataset attribute should be FB,LRECL=80
- RECEIVE XMIT FILE using command receive indsname('hlq.dsnaccox.xmit'). Press enter to ignore messages.Output dataset should hlq.dsnaccox with following members DSNACCOX and JCLCCOX.
- Customise JCLCCOX as per JCL Instructions.
- Submit JCLCCOX to get the DSNACCOX recommendations
- Output messages (recommendations) are displayed in RECOMMND ddname.
- Parameters used by DSNACCOX stored procedure are displayed in PARMUSED ddname.
- To override stored procedure parameters use //PARMOVRD DD
- Parameters that can be override and default values used are:
- CRUpdatedPagesPct :20
- CRUpdatedPagesABS :0
- CRChangesPct :10
- CRDaySncLastCopy :2
- ICRUpdatedPagesPct :1
- ICRUpdatedPagesAbs :0
- ICRChangesPct :1
- CRIndexSize :50
- RRTInsertsPct :25
- RRTInsertsAbs :0
- RRTDeletesPct :25
- RRTDeletesAbs :0
- RRTUnclustInsPct :10
- RRTDisorgLOBPct :50
- RRTDataSpaceRat :2
- RRTMassDelLimit :0
- RRTIndRefLimit :5
- RRIInsertsPct :30
- RRIInsertsAbs :0
- RRIDeletesPct :30
- RRIAppendInsertPct :30
- RRIPseudoDeletePct :5
- RRIMassDelLimit :0
- RRILeafLimit :10
- RRINumLevelsLimit :0
- SRTInsDelUpdPct :20
- SRTInsDelUpdAbs :0
- SRTMassDelLimit :0
- SRIInsDelPct :20
- SRIInsDelAbs :0
- SRIMassDelLimit :0
- ExtentLimit :254
- Parameters that can be override and default values used are:
- Following SYSIN Parameters should have a value assigned to it else unexpected results.