Provides log filtering, buffering, and retry.
Inspired by cookpad/Puree-Swift.
converts Log
to List<Log>
You can increase the log, transform it, or empty it.
class ActionFilter extends Filter {
ActionFilter({required super.tagPattern});
List<Log> transform(Log log) {
final target = log.payload['target'];
final type = log.payload['type'];
if (target is! String || type is! String) {
return [];
} else {
final properties = Map.of(log.payload)..remove('type');
return [
tag: 'ga.action',
payload: {
'event_name': type,
'properties': properties,
tag: 'my.action',
payload: {
'event_name': '${type}_$target',
'properties': Map.of(properties)..remove('target'),
does not provide buffering and retrying.
The following PrintOutput
will output logs to the console.
class PrintOutput extends Output {
PrintOutput({required super.tagPattern, super.shouldEmit});
Future<void> emit(Log log) async {
print('${log.loggedAt}:[${log.tag}] ${log.payload}');
provide buffering and retrying.
class MyLogOutput extends BufferedOutput {
required super.tagPattern,
super.flushInterval = 100,
super.retryLimit = 3,
super.logCountLimit = 5,
LogStorage? logStorage,
}) : super(logStorage: logStorage ?? LocalLogStorage());
Future<bool> write(List<Log> logs) async {
// TODO: send logs to your server.
return Future<bool>.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 50), () {
logs.forEach((log) {
final eventName = log.payload['event_name'];
final properties = log.payload['properties'];
print('🥝[MyLog] ${log.loggedAt}:[$eventName] $properties');
/// if return false, retrying.
return true;
Only Filter
and Output
that match TagPattern
are used.
final logger = Logger(
filters: [
PageViewFilter(tagPattern: 'page'),
ActionFilter(tagPattern: 'action'),
outputs: [
PrintOutput(tagPattern: '**'),
MyLogOutput(tagPattern: 'my.**'),
AnalyticsOutput(tagPattern: 'ga.**'),
);{'name': 'page1'}, tag: 'page_view');{'type': 'click', 'target': 'event_button'}, tag: 'action');
expect(TagPattern('').match(''), true);
expect(TagPattern('').match(''), false);
expect(TagPattern('').match(''), false);
expect(TagPattern('').match(''), false);
expect(TagPattern('*').match(''), true);
expect(TagPattern('*').match(''), false);
expect(TagPattern('*').match(''), false);
expect(TagPattern('aa.**').match(''), true);
expect(TagPattern('aa.**').match(''), true);
expect(TagPattern('aa.**').match('aa'), false);
expect(TagPattern('*').match(''), false);
expect(TagPattern('*').match('aa'), true);
expect(TagPattern('*').match('bb'), true);
expect(TagPattern('**').match(''), true);
expect(TagPattern('**').match(''), true);
expect(TagPattern('**').match('aa'), true);