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What is it?

A Brainfuck compiler for .NET Framework. Generates an .exe file which is ready to execute.

Emits optimal code by collapsing consecutive increments/decrements and data pointer movements: e.g. ++-++ is just +=4 instead of five separate instructions.

Hot to use?


Download the latest bfc.exe from the Releases page.

bfc.exe [--file source.b] [--code code] --out outputExe [--tape tapeLength] [--help]


  • --file - optional, source file with your brainfuck code
  • --code - optional, pass your source code in a command line argument (but no spaces or line breaks)
  • --out - required, output .exe file path
  • --tape - optional, int, size of the tape, default is 30 000 cells
  • --help - do nothing, just show help

You must specify either --file or --code.


To be done...

Why not .NET Core or .NET 6?

I mainly started this project for educational purposes: to understand how MSIL works. I needed an .exe file generation, but in .NET Core / .NET 6 the AssemblyBuilder class does not have a convenient Save method as it does in good old .NET Framework.

The project is written under 4.8. The compiled executables were tested under 4.8, but might as well work under older versions.

Maybe I will port this project to .NET 6 making use of Mono.Cecil or ILPack in the future.