MIX is a hypothetical computer described by Donald Knuth for instructive use in The Art of Computer Programming. MIXpy (pronounced mix-pea) provides a emulator for MIX, as well as an assembler for the MIX Assembly Language (MIXAL). MIXpy is written in Python 3, and is available through PyPI as "mixpy".
MIXpy realizes the MIX architecture as a collection of Python objects.
MIXAL ("Mix Assembly Language") is a symbolic language designed to make "MIX programs considerably easier to read and to write, and to save the programmer from worrying about tedious clerical details that often lead to unnecessary errors". MIXpy provides a MIXAL assembler, also exposed as a Python object, to facilitate the generation of MIX machine code, including the boot and loading sequences a MIX computer requires to initialize and run a program.
Documentation related to the project can be found here.
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