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chkpt auditor gs_snoc. using w64 in epochs_ok removes need for bounds…
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sanjit-bhat committed Jan 6, 2025
1 parent 8233b84 commit 399bfc4
Showing 1 changed file with 59 additions and 12 deletions.
71 changes: 59 additions & 12 deletions src/program_proof/pav/auditor.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,8 +25,43 @@ Definition lower_map (m : adtr_map_ty) : merkle_map_ty :=

Definition gs_inv (gs : list (adtr_map_ty * dig_ty)) : iProp Σ :=
"#His_digs" ∷ ([∗ list] x ∈ gs, is_dig (lower_map x.1) x.2) ∗
"%Hmaps_mono" ∷ ⌜ maps_mono gs.*1 ⌝ ∗
"%Hepochs_ok" ∷ ⌜ epochs_ok gs.*1 ⌝.
"%Hmono_maps" ∷ ⌜ maps_mono gs.*1 ⌝ ∗
"%Hok_epochs" ∷ ⌜ epochs_ok gs.*1 ⌝.

Lemma gs_snoc gs upd dig :
let new_map := (upd ∪ (default ∅ (last gs.*1))) in
gs_inv gs -∗
is_dig (lower_map new_map) dig -∗
⌜ upd ##ₘ (default ∅ (last gs.*1)) ⌝ -∗
([∗ map] val ∈ upd, ⌜ val.1 = W64 (length gs) ⌝) -∗
gs_inv (gs ++ [(new_map, dig)]).
iIntros "* #Hold_inv #His_dig %Hdisj %Hok_epoch".
iNamedSuffix "Hold_inv" "_old".
iSplit; [|iPureIntro; split].
- iApply big_sepL_snoc. iFrame "#".
- unfold maps_mono in *.
- unfold epochs_ok in *.
intros * Hlook_gs Hlook_m.
(* TODO: ep' somehow has w64_word_instance, whereas ep has w64. *)
rewrite fmap_app in Hlook_gs.
destruct (decide (uint.Z ep < length gs)).
+ eapply Hok_epochs_old; [|done].
rewrite lookup_app_l in Hlook_gs; [done|].
rewrite length_fmap. word.
+ rewrite lookup_app_r in Hlook_gs.
2: { rewrite length_fmap. word. }
simpl in *. apply list_lookup_singleton_Some in Hlook_gs as [Heq_ep <-].
apply lookup_union_Some_raw in Hlook_m as [Hlook_upd | [_ Hlook_last]].
{ pose proof (map_Forall_lookup_1 _ _ _ _ Hok_epoch Hlook_upd) as ?.
simpl in *. subst. word. }
destruct (last gs.*1) as [m_last|] eqn:Hlast; [|set_solver]. simpl in *.
opose proof (Hok_epochs_old
(W64 (pred $ length gs)) _ _ _ _ _ Hlook_last) as ?; [|word].
replace (uint.nat (W64 _)) with (pred $ length gs); [|word].
by rewrite last_lookup length_fmap in Hlast.

Definition adtr_sigpred γ : (list w8 → iProp Σ) :=
λ preByt,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -223,9 +258,14 @@ Lemma wp_checkUpd ptr_keys keys ptr_upd upd_refs upd nextEp :
(err : bool), RET #err;
"Hown_keys" ∷ own_merkle ptr_keys (lower_map keys) ∗
"Herr" ∷ (if err then True else
([∗ map] label ↦ val ∈ upd, ⌜ upd_checks keys nextEp label val ⌝))
∃ upd_dec,
"%Hlen_labels" ∷ ([∗ map] label ↦ _ ∈ upd, ⌜ length label = 32%nat ⌝) ∗
"%Hdecode" ∷ ⌜ upd = lower_map upd_dec ⌝ ∗
"%Hok_epoch" ∷ ([∗ map] val ∈ upd_dec, ⌜ val.1 = nextEp ⌝) ∗
"%Hdisj" ∷ ⌜ upd_dec ##ₘ keys ⌝)
Proof. Admitted.
iIntros (Φ) "H HΦ". iNamed "H". wp_rec.
wp_apply wp_ref_of_zero; [done|]. iIntros (ptr_loopErr) "Hptr_loopErr".
wp_apply (wp_MapIter_fold _ _ _
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -263,14 +303,15 @@ Proof.
opose proof (map_subset_dom_eq _ _ _ _ _ Hsub) as ->; [|done].
by rewrite -Hdom -Hdom1.

Lemma wp_applyUpd ptr_keys keys ptr_upd upd_refs upd :
"Hown_keys" ∷ own_merkle ptr_keys (lower_map keys) ∗
"#Hown_upd_refs" ∷ own_map ptr_upd DfracDiscarded upd_refs ∗
"#Hown_upd" ∷ ([∗ map] sl;v ∈ upd_refs;upd,
own_slice_small sl byteT DfracDiscarded v) ∗
"%Hlen_labels" ∷ ([∗ map] label ↦ val ∈ upd, ⌜ length label = 32%nat ⌝)
"%Hlen_labels" ∷ ([∗ map] label ↦ _ ∈ upd, ⌜ length label = 32%nat ⌝)
applyUpd #ptr_keys #ptr_upd
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -333,22 +374,28 @@ Proof.
{ wp_loadField. wp_apply (wp_Mutex__Unlock with "[-HΦ]").
2: { wp_pures. by iApply "HΦ". }
iFrame "∗#". iModIntro. iFrame "∗#%". }
iDestruct "Herr" as "%Hchecks". do 2 wp_loadField.
iNamed "Herr". do 2 wp_loadField.
wp_apply (wp_applyUpd with "[$Hown_keys $HUpdatesM $HUpdatesMSl]").
{ iPureIntro. apply (map_Forall_impl _ _ _ Hchecks).
{ iPureIntro. apply (map_Forall_impl _ _ _ Hlen_labels).
rewrite /upd_checks. naive_solver. }
iNamed 1. wp_loadField.
wp_apply (wp_Tree__Digest with "[$Hown_keys]"). iIntros "*". iNamed 1.

(* update gs. *)
iMod (mono_list_auth_own_update_app
[(upd_dec ∪ (default ∅ (last gs.*1)), dig)]
with "Hown_gs") as "[Hown_gs _]".
iAssert (gs_inv (gs ++ [(upd_dec ∪ default ∅ (last gs.*1), dig)])) as "Hinv_gs1".
{ rewrite /gs_inv.

(* sign dig. *)
iNamed 1.
TODO: can't do this bc don't have updates at a higher-level.
need to change upd lemmas to get that.
iMod (mono_list_auth_own_update_app
[upd.(UpdateProof.Updates) ∪ lower_map (default ∅ (last gs.*1))]
with "Hown_gs") as "H".
iNamed 1. wp_loadField.
wp_apply (wp_Tree__Digest with "[$Hown_keys]"). iIntros "*". iNamed 1.
wp_apply wp_allocStruct; [val_ty|]. iIntros "* H".
iDestruct (struct_fields_split with "H") as "H". iNamed "H".
wp_apply wp_NewSlice_0. iIntros "* Hsl_preSigByt".
Expand Down

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