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Running FlightGoggles

varunmurali1 edited this page Apr 16, 2021 · 2 revisions

Running FlightGoggles Simulation Framework on Local Machine

# In terminal 1, leave the following running:
# Change directory to the path where you extracted the binary
cd path-to-binary

# In terminal 2, you can run and exit various launch files with the use_external_renderer flag.
# To run example environment with joystick/keyboard teleoperation
roslaunch flightgoggles teleopExample.launch use_external_renderer:=1
# To run core simulation framework without teleoperation
roslaunch flightgoggles core.launch use_external_renderer:=1

Users may also run any of three different challenges by running:

roslaunch flightgoggles reporter.launch level:=easy
roslaunch flightgoggles reporter.launch level:=medium
roslaunch flightgoggles reporter.launch level:=hard

The challenges are completed if the drone passes through each of the gates that are part of the challenge in order.

These launch files run a reporter node in addition to the rest of the software that reports when the drone crosses the challenge gates and the overall time it took.

Feel free to edit the yaml files on flightgoggles/config/challenges to setup your own challenges.