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EKS Blueprints Patterns

Welcome to the EKS Blueprints Patterns repository.

This repository contains a number of samples for how you can leverage the Amazon EKS Blueprints. You can think of the patterns as "codified" reference architectures, which can be explained and executed as code in the customer environment.


The individual patterns can be found in the lib directory. Most of the patterns are self-explanatory, for some more complex examples please use this guide and docs/patterns directory for more information.


Please refer to the Amazon EKS Blueprints Quick Start documentation site for complete project documentation.


Before proceeding, make sure AWS CLI is installed on your machine.

To use the eks-blueprints and patterns module, you must have Node.js and npm installed. You will also use make to simplify build and other common actions.

Mac Setup:

Follow the below steps to setup and leverage eks-blueprints and eks-blueprints-patterns in your local Mac laptop.

  1. Install make and node using brew
brew install make
brew install node
  1. Install npm
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable
  1. Make sure the following pre-requisites are met:
  • Node version must be 16.x or above.
$ node -v

Update (provided Node version manager is installed): n stable. May require sudo.

  • NPM version must be 8.4 or above:
$ npm -v

Updating npm: sudo n stable where stable can also be a specific version above 8.4. May require sudo.

  1. Clone the eks-blueprints-patterns repository
git clone

PS: If you are contributing to this repo, please make sure to fork the repo, add your changes and create a PR against it.

  1. Once you have cloned the repo, you can open it using your favourite IDE and run the below commands to install the dependencies and build the existing patterns.
  • Install project dependencies.
make deps
  • To view patterns that are available to be deployed, execute the following:
npm i
make build
  • To list the existing CDK EKS Blueprints patterns
npx cdk list

Note: Some patterns have a hard dependency on AWS Secrets (for example GitHub access tokens). Initially you will see errors complaining about lack of the required secrets. It is normal. At the bottom, it will show the list of patterns which can be deployed, in case the pattern you are looking for is not available, it is due to the hard dependency which can be fixed by following the docs specific to those patterns.

  • Bootstrap your CDK environment.
npx cdk bootstrap
  • You can then deploy a specific pattern with the following:
npx cdk deploy multi-team-blueprint

Deploying Blueprints with External Dependency on AWS Resources

There are cases when the blueprints defined in the patterns have dependencies on existing AWS Resources such as Secrets defined in the account/region. For such cases, you may see errors if such resources are not defined.

For PipelineMultiEnvGitops please see instructions in this README.

For MultiRegionConstruct the pattern relies on the following secrets defined:

  1. github-ssh-key - must contain GitHub SSH private key as a JSON structure containing fields sshPrivateKey and url. The secret is expected to be defined in us-east-1 and replicated to us-east-2 and us-west-2 regions. For more information on SSH credentials setup see ArgoCD Secrets Support. Example Structure:
    "sshPrivateKey": "-----BEGIN THIS IS NOT A REAL PRIVATE KEY-----\nb3BlbnNzaC1rtdjEAAAAABG5vbmUAAAAEbm9uZQAAAAAAAAABAAACFwAAAAdzc2gtcn\nNhAAAAAwEAAQAAAgEAy82zTTDStK+s0dnaYzE7vLSAcwsiHM8gN\nhq2p5TfcjCcYUWetyu6e/xx5Rh+AwbVvDV5h9QyMw4NJobwuj5PBnhkc3QfwJAO5wOnl7R\nGbehIleWWZLs9qq`DufViQsa0fDwP6JCrqD14aIozg6sJ0Oqi7vQkV+jR0ht/\nuFO1ANXBn2ih0ZpXeHSbPDLeZQjlOBrbGytnCbdvLtfGEsV0WO2oIieWVXJj/zzpKuMmrr\nebPsfwr36nLprOQV6IhDDo\n-----END NOT A REAL PRIVATE KEY-----\n",

    "url": "git@github"

Note: You can notice explicit \n characters in the sshPrivateKey.

  1. argo-admin-secret - must contain ArgoCD admin password in Plain Text. The secret is expected to be defined in us-east-1 and replicated to us-east-1 and us-west-2 regions.

For ``Dynatrace One Agent`

  • dynatrace-tokens - must contain API_URL, API_TOKEN and PAAS_TOKEN in Plain Text. The secret is expected to be defined in the target region (either directly or through AWS Secrets Manager Replication).

For KeptnConstruct the pattern relies on the following secrets defined:

  • keptn-secrets - must contain API_TOKEN and BRIDGE_PASSWORD password in Plain Text. The secret is expected to be defined in us-east-1 region.

For NewRelicConstruct the pattern relies on the following secrets defined:

  • newrelic-pixie-keys - must contain New Relic (required) and Pixie keys (optional). The secret is expected to be defined in the target region (either directly or through AWS Secrets Manager Replication).

For more information on defining secrets for ArgoCD, please refer to Blueprints Documentation as well as known issues.

For NginxIngressConstruct please see NGINX Blueprint documentation.

For DatadogConstruct the pattern relies on the following secret defined:

  • apiKeyAWSSecret - must contain the Datadog API key in Plain Text named datadog-api-key. The secret is expected to be defined in the target region.

For KubeflowConstruct please see Kubeflow documentation.

For SecureIngressCognitoConstruct please see Secure Ingress using Cognito Blueprint documentation.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.


Sample patterns repository for the Amazon EKS Bluepints for CDK



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  • TypeScript 90.3%
  • JavaScript 8.9%
  • Makefile 0.8%