Random code sample you might want to play around with (all code samples present here are by me)
will upload here from time to time
- Vyper IDE 8.0 (Minimum) (use
vyper --v
to get your current version, to update dovyper --up "ide, rt" %version%
- Chara (dm me to request a client)
- Chara.XPPRuntimeHandler
Note: if you don't want to install chara you can try to convert the code to something like C#, idk if i wanna make a code translator for x++ though
> vyper --build %file%
if you don't have it for some reason you can just use the following commands
;; you'll need to allow UAC & DRM, you can also use the GUI to download the package directly from the page > chara(instance) uac allow > chara(instance) drm allow pkg-install > chara get-pkg "xppRH" > chara install-pkg "xppRH"