This is the repo for managing papers and code for the AAS/AIAA Conference 2020.
The conference will be held August 9 - 13, 2020 at the Lake Tahoe Resort Hotel in South Lake Tahoe, CA.
The abstract deadline is April 10, 2020. Notification of acceptance will be sent via email by May 9, 2020. More details can be found on the conference website
Meeting Notes will be organized from most recent date to the earliest date.
Paper introduction feedback
- title: "... with Sparse Dynamics Identification"
- remove J.Q. Public
- remove "trajectory optimization"
- move references cited to right after name of authors (instead of at end of sentence)
- benefit of dual quaternions is we can use other quat-based control laws
- MPC + SINDY good for sudden changes in system
- take out "predator-prey" model
- discuss: SINDY + PC vs. adaptive control laws? Tsiotras address constraints?
- what is the selling point of this paper
- more literature review on MPC + dual quaternions
- need at least 10 refs in intro
- Contact Joey about posing the MPC problem correctly
Present topic to Tim Lofquist
- Nonlinear equations --> Simulink
- Build dynamic model, add noise
- Generate x, y, z data
- Use SINDy for state identification
- Get differential equations
- MPC (model-predictive control) or reinforcement learning
- Add disturbances, check controller performance
- Compare design
- which system is more intuitive, easy to use?
Dual quaternions
- Need to use kinematics + dual quaternion equations
NASA Fellowship
- Possible: swarm project at Ames
- Phase 1 proposal due: Feb 21, 2020
- Review literature
- Write introduction
- Come up with paper title
- Use Mendeley with LaTeX?
Focus on 3 topics:
- MPC (model-predictive control)
- Dual Quaternions
- Ask Max RPO proposal
- Ask Chriss RPO proposal
Reinforcement learning on CMGs - Spacecraft attitude control + constraints - Actuator saturation - Adaptive dynamic programming - RL toolbox Matlab
Reaction wheel speed/torque control
Fuel slosh
Key words:
- Reinforcement learning
- Adaptive dynamic programming
- Game theoretic optimal control
- SINDy: sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics
- dual quaternions
Bong Wie:
- Space Vehicles Dynamics and Control
- chapters 7, 11, 12