Caveat: this is a work in progress. More details and examples will be added here
A Python tool for the analysis of Gamma-ray and X-ray data in a unified framework, using physically-motivated spectral models.
A software description is provided in the following publication: TBD
The scripts provided in this folder are built on Numpy, Scipy, Astropy, Gammapy, Naima, Sherpa and Xspec.
These instructions assume that you have previously installed a version of Anaconda or Miniconda on your machine.
Download the zip / clone the repo: TBD
To set-up the work environment with conda:
conda create -n gammapyXray-0.1 conda activate gammapyXray-0.1 conda install -c -c conda-forge ciao sherpa conda install -c conda-forge gammapy
Additionally, if you wish to combine the absorption models provided in Sherpa with the physical models provided by Naima, you have to install Naima. TBD: show how this is done!
Optionally, to work in a Jupyter Lab notebook:
conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab
If you use gammapyXray for work/research presented in a publication (whether directly, or as a dependency to another package), we ask that you please cite it using the following links
We encourage you to also include citations to the paper in the main text wherever appropriate, using the recommended BibTeX entry:
This folder is licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see the LICENSE.rst file.