International Master of Science in Marine Biological Resources (IMBRSea) Introduction to R swirl course.
In development by the IMBRSea R Working Group: Ulrike Braeckman, Osman Crespo Neto, Tim Deprez, Olivier Gauthier, Valentin Geslin, Julia Jung, Cóilín Minto, Stanley Nmor
To get started copy and paste the following lines into R at the prompt >
## check if swirl is installed - if not, install it
if("swirl" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE) {install.packages("swirl")}
install_course_github("mintoc", "imbrseaR")
## if you get a warning message like 'Directory not empty', run 'uninstall_course("imbrseaR")' and then install course again
## start swirl
It will ask
| Would you like to continue with one of these lessons?
1: R Programming E Basic Building Blocks
2: No. Let me start something new.
choose 2
Then choose the imbrseaR
course and then the Introduction
lesson. Note that if you would like to exit the course at any stage type bye()
at the R prompt >
Have fun and please send feedback on what you found useful or not or otherwise.