Enhance your ChatGPT interface with ChatGPTPlus . This project is dedicated to improving the graphical user interface of ChatGPT using plain CSS and JavaScript, ensuring that the modifications do not interfere with the normal functionality of ChatGPT.
- UI Enhancements: Improve readability and usability without altering the core functionality of ChatGPT.
- Custom CSS: Custom styles to enhance the visual appeal of ChatGPT.
- Easy Integration: Easily integrate with ChatGPT via Tampermonkey.
- Install Tampermonkey on your browser.
- Create a new Tampermonkey script with the following code snippet:
// ==UserScript==
// @name ChatGPTPlus
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 1.0
// @description Enhance the ChatGPT interface
// @author User's GitHub or Author Name
// @match *://chat.openai.com/*
// @grant GM_addElement
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
// Define the URLs for the local and fallback scripts
const localScriptUrl = 'http://localhost:8080/bundle.js';
const fallbackScriptUrl = 'https://minovap.github.io/ChatGPTPlus/bundle.js';
// Attempt to load the local development script
const localScriptTag = GM_addElement('script', { src: localScriptUrl });
localScriptTag.addEventListener('load', () => {
console.log('✅ Development script loaded successfully.');
localScriptTag.addEventListener('error', () => {
// Load the production script as fallback
const fallbackScriptTag = GM_addElement('script', { src: fallbackScriptUrl });
fallbackScriptTag.addEventListener('load', () => {
console.log('✅ Production script loaded successfully.');
fallbackScriptTag.addEventListener('error', () => {
console.error('❌ Failed to load development and production scripts.');
To set up this project for development, follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your local machine.
Navigate to the project directory and run the following command to install the dependencies:
npm install
To start the development server, run:
npm run start
This will serve your project at http://localhost:8080, and you should set the @resource URL in your Tampermonkey script to this address for local development.
When working in development mode, adjust your Tampermonkey script to load the local version of your enhancements:
- Change the @resource URL in your Tampermonkey script to point to your local server:
@resource REMOTE_JS http://localhost:8080/bundle.js
- In the Tampermonkey settings under Externals, set the Update Interval to “Always” to ensure Tampermonkey fetches the most recent version of your local script automatically.