MinimalNetwork is a simple HTTP library for iOS 5+. This project is still under development.
- Simple block based interface for asynchronous network requests.
- Throttle the number of concurrent networks calls.
- Ability to apply custom parse logic in a background thread.
- UIImageView category to asynchronously load external images.
- ARC enabled.
NSString *maybe = @"555-5555";
MN_GET(@"http://call/me/%@", maybe).
parse((id)^(id data) {
// background thread
return [self customParser:data];
success(^(MNURLRequest *request, id data) {
[self didFinish:data];
failure(^(MNURLRequest *request, NSError *error) {
[self showError:error];
// or a more traditional syntax
MNURLRequest *request = [MNURLRequest get:@"http://call/me/maybe"];
request.parseBlock = (id)^(id data){
// background thread
return [self customParser:data];
request.successBlock = ^(MNURLRequest *request, id data){
[self didFinish:data];
request.failureBlock = ^(MNURLRequest *request, NSError *error){
[self showError:error];
[request start];
UIImageView *imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, 48.0f, 48.0f)];
[imageView mn_load:@"http://someimage.jpg"];