Graphic Rendering Architecture Framework
Graf aims to provide an architecte's tool to render all TOGAF architecte's diagrams. The main important feature given by this tool is that it can be based on a standalone database or a CMDB (only ITop for the moment). The advantages :
- all components used in the diagrams are real life components described in the CMDB (Server, Database, Software application, etc.)
- all the components stored in the CMDB can be linked to Business Domains and Strategic designs
- Graf uses standards for the description of the diagrams : BPMN, TOSCA, SVG, etc.
- Graf provides permalink Diagrams to be inserted in Architect documents.
Graf is under active development. Thus, it cannot be yet used for production at now.
Here is the list of allready available features :
- Use of plugable DAO (Data Access Object) to define a link to Itop or Standalone Database. New DAO could be developped for other CMDB.
- First DAO implementation : ITop (standalone Database must be rebuilt)
- Items :
- Domain : represent a Business Domain, it can contain any item linked to the Business
- Actor : represents user roles, it can contain any item used by the actor
- Service : main services offered by the Information System, it can contain any item
- Business Process : describes a Business Process. Based on BPMN (not yet stable) can be linked to any technical item or actor
- Solution : describes macro or micro software solution. Based on TOSCA Yaml format to describe logic and technical structure of the solution and all environments (developement, production, test, etc.). It can be linked to any technical item
- Data : (under construction) based on a standard format (to find) will describe all the main Business Data Models and the use maid in the Software Solution
- Server, Software, Device, etc. : all real life components can be used in the diagrams to describe the solutions or processes
- Location : a Country, City or any detailed place
- Views :
- all the views are based on templates described in JSON and can be customized
- Strategic View : describes all the domains
- Business View : describes all the Actors, Process, Service and Data linked to a Business Domain or an Actor
- Process View : the view of BPMN process
- Logic View : the view of any Software Solution based on TOSCA format
- Technical View : the technical view of Software Solution : Location, Devices, Machines, etc.
- Generated documents (just started) :
- Will generate architect documents containing all necessary diagrams and all the description
See TODO List
You can install GRAF as a web application in your webserver or as docker image. But, in each case, you have to install mysql database.
create a mysql database
run model/create_database.sql script
For more information about the data model see mpd.html file
clone the repository and link WebContent in your Apache or Nginx web server.
write the configuration file /home/graf/configuration.json :
For standalone usage
"dao" : "db",
"db" : {
"host" : "",
"login" : "john",
"password" : "mypassord",
"instance" : "graf"
For ITOP based usage
"dao" : "itop",
"itop" : {
"url" : "",
"login" : "john",
"password" : "mypassord",
"organisation" : "myenterprise",
"version" : "1.3"
For standalone usage
docker pull milak/graf
docker run -e DAO=db -e DB_LOGIN=_LOGIN_ -e DB_PASSWORD=_password_ -e DB_INSTANCE=_instancename_ -e DB_HOST=_db host_ milak/graf
For ITOP based usage
docker pull milak/graf
sudo docker run -e "DAO=itop" -e "ITOP_LOGIN=admin" -e "ITOP_PASSWORD=admin" -e "ITOP_VERSION=1.3" -e "ITOP_ORGANISATION=Demo" -e "ITOP_URL=http://localhost/itop/webservices/rest.php" milak/graf
- SVG :
- BPMN :
- Itop :
- CMDB :