This updates php-mode
with features to make it more friendly to use with PHP 5.4. It is based on the work of:
Turadg Aleahmad
Aaron S. Hawley
Lennart Borgman
And all those mentioned in the ‘Contributors’ section below.
Please email any bugs or feature requests to lobbyjones at gmail dot com
or submit them as Issues here on the Github page. Also please include the output of php-mode-version
in bug reports.
28 July 2012: I will not be working on any PHP projects in the forseeable future. Therefore I have not worked on adding any new features. However, the project is not dead. I am still accepting bug requests and will try to address them in a timely manner. I also welcome any improvements in functionality from other developers. Updates to php-mode
may be infrequent, but I will continue to maintain it as best as possible.
Now php-mode
supports syntax highlighting for new keywords which were added as part of PHP 5.4, e.g. those related to traits, such as insteadof
. Also supported are the older keywords clone
and default
Every magic constant and predefined constant listed on the official PHP site is included in syntax highlighted.
Traits, interfaces, and namespaces now appear under Imenu listings. Fontification works properly for namespaces as well, so that code like namespace Foo\Bar\Baz
no longer looks like a warning. This is also true for namespace aliases, e.g. use <namespace> as <alias>
; currently the aliased name is not listed in Imenu, but that will be addressed in the future.
Underscores are treated as ‘symbol constituents’ (in Emacs terminology) so that you can use keys like M-f and M-b to move through the individual parts of a variable name like $foo_bar_baz
A series of method calls over multiple lines will now be aligned with the ->
operator, e.g.:
Nested function calls and array()
structures now look better by default (or at least in my opinion). Here is an example of the style:
$results = Post::model()->find(
'select' => 'title',
'condition' => 'postID=:postID',
'params' => array(':postID' => 10),
(Note: The alignment of the =>
operators is not part of these changes.)
Anonymous functions such as
$greet = function($name) { … };
will now appear on Imenu; in this case the name will be $greet
By customizing the variable php-executable
you can enable Flymake mode in order to see warnings and errors in real-time as you write code.
The key command C-c C-f
will search the PHP website for documentation on the word under the cursor. However, if you have a local copy of the PHP documentation then php-mode
will try searching that documentation first. All you need to do is customize the variable php-manual-path
and give it the path to your copy of the documentation. If php-mode
cannot find something locally then it will still fallback on searching the PHP website.
The command php-send-region
, which is bound to C-c C-r
by default, will execute the selected region of PHP code. In conjunction with the Emacs command C-x h
you can use this to execute an entire file. Any output will appear in a buffer called *PHP*
All contributions to php-mode
are welcome. But please try to do the following when sending improvements or bug fixes:
Add your name to the list of ‘Contributors’ in this
file if it is not there already. If you have a Github page then please link your name to it, so people can see your other work.(=^・^=)
If your contribution addresses an issue on the Github project page then include a single line like
Github-issue: 16
with the appropriate issue number. -
Make sure to update the constant
. -
However, please do not modify
. I will decide what constitutes a bump in the version number. -
Send me a pull request here on Github. Or if you do not have a Github account then email the patches to me at
lobbyjones at gmail dot com
. Please try to make sure the patches are acceptable input to the comandgit am
. Please note that even if you send a pull request it is very likely that I will not simply merge your branch through Github; I prefer to go through commits and cherry-pick them so I can review the commit messages and sign-off on them. You can see which commits I did or did not merge by using thegit-cherry
If you are fixing a bug related to a Github issue, then first of all, thank you for the help improving php-mode
. Second, there is a tests/
directory which contains PHP scripts for each issue (although not all of them). Please consider adding a test script to that directory that documents the expected behavior and provides code that allows others to see if said behavior works properly. Please try to follow the format of the existing tests.
The code for php-mode
is covered by the GNU General Public License 3.
In chronological order:
- Juanjo
- Torsten Martinsen
- Vinai Kopp
- Sean Champ
- Doug Marcey
- Kevin Blake
- Rex McMaster
- Mathias Meyer
- Boris Folgmann
- Roland
- Rosenfeld
- Fred Yankowski
- Craig Andrews
- John Keller
- Ryan
- Sammartino
- ppercot
- Valentin Funk
- Stig Bakken
- Gregory Stark
- Chris Morris
- Nils Rennebarth
- Gerrit Riessen
- Eric Mc Sween
- Ville Skytta
- Giacomo Tesio
- Lennart Borgman
- Stefan Monnier
- Aaron S. Hawley
- Ian Eure
- Bill Lovett
- Dias Badekas
- David House
- Tom Willemsen
- Olaf the Viking
- Maël Nison
- flack
- Michele Bini
- Emanuele Tomasi