Full Video Explaining the the approach can be found here:
To run this you will need labeled packet data, this can either be generated using the docker scripts inside the data-generation folder or you can import data of your own using a tool like tcpdump or wireshark on windows. This packet data need to follow a naming convension so the process to properly label the convension is:
{Name}.{Ip}.{U|M}.cap (Exmaple: 'Bob1.192-168-1-3.U.cap')
Name: Name of the agent. This can be anything its not used by the system and just helpful to keep track of the files Ip: Inernal IP of the agent. With dots replaced with dashes U | M: If the agent is Malicous then M else U for normal agent
If you want to generate your own data, take a look at the data-generation folder. Chuck and Charlie are example of agents that generate malicous traffic and Bob generates normal traffic, run this process by creating a folder called "packet-data" in the dataa-generation folder (this is an empty folder used in the docker-compose to dump the packet capture files to) then run
docker-compose up
Now that you have the packet data you need to have it summarized. To do this build the soluition file in the rool and run the packet-detection-model.exe
executable created. Running without command line argument will give you the help text. The command to run summarization is:
packet-detection-model.exe -a prepsummarydata --dataDir .\training-data\ --output SummaryData.bin --portsFile .\common-ports.csv
This assumes you have a folder called training-data
in the same folder as the exec with the cap files described above. common-ports.csv has a list of the ports to use for summarization, all other port data is dropped. This command will save the summary data to SummaryData.bin
To traing the model on the summarized data run the following:
packet-detection-model.exe -a trainsummarymodel --dataview .\SummaryData.bin --model .\SummaryModel.zip
Now that the model is trained you can run it on new network data, to run on new network data run the following:
packet-detection-model.exe -a detectmalips --dataDir .\training-data\ --portsFile .\common-ports.csv --model .\SummaryModel.zip
The ML.NET Hackahton Kickoff Video can be found here:
A Video of all of the submissions can be found here:
ML.NET Hackathon Repo is here:
flightsim (referenced in video):