Easily check for new APKs and install them in React Native.
npm install rn-update-apk --save
FileProviders: Android API24+ requires the use of a FileProvider to share "content" (like downloaded APKs) with other applications (like the system installer, to install the APK update). So you must add a FileProvider entry to your AndroidManifest.xml, and it will reference a "filepaths" XML file. Both are demonstrated in the example as linked here.
Permissions For Android 25+ you need to add REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES to your AndroidManifest.xml
Please install and run the example to see how it works before opening issues. Then adapt it into your own app. Getting the versions right is tricky and setting up FileProviders is very easy to do incorrectly, especially if using another module that defines one (like rn-fetch-blob)
Please see the example App.js as it is very full featured and
has very thorough documentation about what each feature is for. You just need to check out the module from github, cd example && npm install && npm start
then react-native run-android
in another terminal with an emulator up to see everything in action.
See the Changelog on github
This application has been tested on API21+. Older versions of this library also supported API16-20 with HTTPS updates working via a patch to SSL services achieved via Google Play Services. This has been removed now that react-native only supports API21+. Use older versions if you support API16-20.
Note that you can host tests on dropbox.com using their "shared links", but if you do so will need to put '?raw=1' at the end of the link they give you so you get the raw file contents instead of a non-JSON XML document
// version.json example
// Note you will need to verify SSL works for Android <5 as it has SSL Protocol bugs
// If it doesn't then you may be able to use Google Play Services to patch the SSL Provider, or just serve your updates over HTTP for Android <5
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/36892715
"forceUpdate": false,
"whatsNew": "<< what changes the app update will bring >>"
- react-native-fs